10 Benefits of Automated Webinars for Your Business - Featured Image | CEO Monthly

10 Benefits of Automated Webinars for Your Business

Automated webinars start at automated times, on a predetermined schedule, playing an interactive webinar that was recorded previously. But how can automating webinars benefit businesses? Let’s find out.


1. Reach a larger audience

In-person meetings require a lot of forward planning, and you will never be able to fit around everyone’s schedules. However, an automated webinar removes the need for people to commute, and the need for a speaker to be present, allowing you to reach a larger audience for your event.


2. Increased efficiency

 As the webinar can be planned out in advance, pre-recorded, and then scheduled to play at a set time, you are guaranteed to start and finish on time. Ensuring that the session will run smoothly, will increase the efficiency of the event, and all the preparation that goes into the planning beforehand.


3. Short-term lead generation

Webinars in general are fantastic for creating new leads. These events can provide the audience with all the information that they need to make an informed decision, which will build trust between the brand and the attendees. By recording the webinar in advance, you can also ensure that you give off the best first impression that you can.


4. Long-term lead generation

 It is a well-known fact that it can cost up to five times more to attract a new customer than to retain your existing customers, so it is important to think about lead generation in the long term. Automated webinars can be scheduled to air at specific times, to a specific schedule, allowing you to grow your relationship with your audience.


5. Ease of use

Using a live webcast platform is simple and easy for both the business and the audience, as they require minimal interaction in order to run smoothly. Due to this, they can actually reduce the amount of work you need to do, and limit the risk of attendees missing the event due to technical difficulties.


6. Organization

 Automating the webinar makes it much easier to plan everything out in advance to ensure that the session is properly organized. This will make sure that the presentation is easy to follow, and sections are organized into a coherent order that builds on the knowledge learned in the segment before.


7. Less time consuming

As the webinar will be set to start and end at a specific time, there is no need for a speaker
to manually start and end the meeting. In addition to this, it can be accessed online, and thus will take less time out of attendees’ days.


8. Consistency

 Automated webinars are great for training sessions, as it guarantees that everyone will have a consistent experience. The same recording can be used again and again for new recruits as part of the onboarding process.


9. Strengthens brand as a thought leader

Providing useful knowledge to the audience, will increase brand recognition, and establish the company as an expert (or ‘thought leader’) in their industry.


10. Impactful call to action

And finally, automated webinars can be programmed to end with a call to action, with an interactive button or link that directs the audience to the website. In doing so, this can increase conversion, and thus revenue, too.

As you can see, there are many ways that automated webinars can benefit businesses across all industries. Whether it’s for lead generation, to impart knowledge, or for employee training, automated webinars are a fantastic alternative to in-person events.

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