Global CEO Peer Advisory Organisation Expands UK Footprint with Major Acquisition - Featured Image | CEO Monthly

Global CEO Peer Advisory Organisation Expands UK Footprint with Major Acquisition


Leading Global CEO Organisation, Vistage, Expands European Presence With Acquistion of U.K.’s Academy for Chief Executives

Vistage, the world’s leading CEO peer advisory organisation with over 22,000 members in 20 countries worldwide, signs agreement to purchase the Academy for Chief Executives in the U.K.

Today, Vistage announced that a deal has been signed to acquire the Academy for Chief Executives, a leading U.K. CEO development organisation, dedicated to improving lives by unlocking the potential of every business leader. This partnership will grow the Vistage community of CEOs and business leaders, solidifying its position as one of the top CEO organisations in the world. Vistage already has a significant presence in the U.K., but this development  will create a collaborative community in the U.K. of over 100 Chairs and 1,800 members, supported and connected by the resources and programmes of a global brand.

Bringing the communities together enables Vistage to advance its vision of becoming the world’s most trusted resource to CEOs and key executives, helping them become better leaders and deliver better results. Vistage’s purpose is to help high-integrity leaders make great decisions that benefit their companies, families and communities. The Academy’s talented Chairs, and its hundreds of loyal and successful members will help advance that purpose, benefiting from a wide range of events, online resources, market research, and learning and networking opportunities within Vistage. At the same time, their combined experience and expertise will raise the bar and strengthen the Vistage community. 

Vistage CEO Sam Reese says both companies have a shared mission to improve the effectiveness and enhance the lives of CEOs and key executives, and that this was a primary driver for the acquisition. “The bottom line is that we share the same goals, and have very similar principles. Our strategy must always be rooted in member value; expanding our membership with quality members and Chairs contributes richness, diversity, wisdom and added value to all in our community, both within the U.K. as well as globally,” says Reese.

“The Academy’s business is very similar to that of Vistage. Our members will continue to enjoy the primary relationships with their Chair and fellow group members, and will find great added value in the Vistage platform, which will complement their current membership experience,” adds Ian Price, CEO of The Academy for Chief Executives. “Our Chairs will also benefit from becoming part of an enlarged, supportive community, with new opportunities to develop their skills, and from the resources that come with being part of a successful global brand.”

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