7 Creature Comforts for a Corner Office
You know when your career has been a success when you land that corner office. As you move in and make the workspace your own, this is the time to add the special accouterments and cozy furnishings that will make each workday more enjoyable than ever.
Check out these seven great creature comforts for your corner office:
A mini-refrigerator in an out-of-the-way corner blends in with your other office furnishings, regardless of style. A small, half-size fridge will have plenty of room for chilled juices and bottled water as well as healthy snacks like fruit and cheese. You can add treats for clients during appointments or colleagues who stop by for a chat.
Add Distinctive Décor
Decorate your office with your favorite theme, whether art deco or a classic looking turntable record player for a fifties vibe. Real antiques that you may have at home or faux models of your favorite vintage items can contribute to personal style and flair.
Update the Office Furnishings
If the office is professionally furnished, you might not be allowed to bring in your own choice of desk, bookcase, credenza, etc. However, you can probably bring in a few preferred items that contribute to the ambiance you find most productive. A floor lamp here, display case there, and art on the wall will make the space yours.
Luxury Seating
One of the most important things you will want in your corner office is a work-oriented, comfortable desk chair. Everyone, especially those 40 or older, prefers different features that might be ergonomic in design or built with extra back support. Armrests may be optional, along with a chair pad, to facilitate mobility while seated. A footstool addition can promote leg comfort during those long stretches of sitting at the desk.
Productivity Support
A vocal personal assistant like Alexa can handle numerous workplace tasks that otherwise get done by administrative assistants. You might also decide to use a dictation app like Windows 10 Speech Recognition, or Dragon by Nuance can save you time with dictation to text support. Spreadsheets such as Excel and other business apps can make your workload easier, faster, and highly accurate.
Stock Your Bookshelf
In addition to the college textbooks you still reference occasionally and the training manuals you have used to learn your job, build up your bookshelf with relevant reads from the business world in general and your industry in particular. Catch up on your reading in spare moments between appointments or meetings as well as during your break times. A well-stocked corner office bookshelf may also make a great impression on your visitors.
Choose Your Window Coverings
If your corner office has windows, they may already include blinds, valances, or drapes. A simple window treatment can be updated or enhanced for a more contemporary look that will accent the overall office layout.
Add Creative Lighting
While you probably won’t be able to have an electrician install new outlets for added lighting like wall sconces, you might want to bring in an interesting table lamp or a period piece standing lamp to add personality to your office décor. Adding a dimmer switch to the existing lighting if it doesn’t have one will adjust the room’s illumination to outdoor conditions like fog or blindingly bright sunlight.
Of course, you can add living plants if you have time to care for them. A personal item like a rocking chair or mini-television might also fit nicely. Make the corner office all your own for a meaningful workspace.

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