Despite being a clear focus for companies across a wide array of industries, it’s expected that numerous AI or machine learning initiatives will become stuck in the pilot phase over the next 12 months.
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Laura Keturkė, Head of Product at AAZZUR, is proof that curiosity, hands-on learning, and embracing unexpected opportunities can carve out a successful career in FinTech.
In today’s competitive marketplace, creating a strong local business marketing plan is crucial for success. This strategy helps attract new customers and strengthens relationships with existing ones. Whether you operate a brick-and-mortar store...
ORION SARL, an agricultural start-up founded by Jean-Paul Ogou, is leading a new wave of sustainable farming practices in Côte d'Ivoire, with a focus on cocoa and vanilla cultivation. Their commitment goes beyond mere production; it aim...
Latest reports have found that more than four in ten employees reported feeling ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ lonely at work and with the rise of remote working.
Clothing stores, bakeries, software companies, and farms are among the most popular ventures pursued by aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide.
In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the wellbeing of C-Suite employees is increasingly under threat.
The professional world is undergoing a rapid transformation at a global scale, with the technology and finance sectors at the forefront of this change. As industries evolve, so do career opportunities, requiring professionals to stay adaptable and...
Absenteeism affects all workplaces and costs them a significant amount in lost time and productivity.