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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

May 26, 2021 COVID-19 Crisis Will Lead to a New Period of Transformative Growth: 10 Key Insights for Business Leaders

As we recover from the COVID pandemic, environmental, social and technological trends are converging, leading to rapid, disruptive and transformative change, the likes of which we have not experienced for more than a generation, argues Simon Sear,...

May 24, 2021 Help Your Team Thrive

According to LinkedIn, 94% of employees would consider staying with a company longer if there was a clear investment in learning. Young people in particular put learning, development and progression high among their top motivators. With lockdown o...

May 21, 2021 The power of community engagement

Making your voice heard within your community is not always been the easiest. With a number of local governments still relying on traditional meetings, or pen-and-paper communications to allow the public to voice their issues or concern.

May 21, 2021 Habits of Today’s Corporate Leaders to Take Note Of

Those habits books that were all the rage a couple of decades ago are sorely outdated. Nowadays, CEO's and other business leaders need fresh skills that get the job done in a highly technological, fast-paced environment. Sure, some of the old...

May 20, 2021 How to Deal with Invoice Disputes as a Freelancer or Creative

As lockdown guidelines continue to ease and normality resumes, creatives and freelancers are likely to be seeing their cash flow patterns change and invoices starting to come in and out again as workloads increase. The creative industry involves i...

May 19, 2021 As Some SMEs Reopen for Business, E-commerce Remains Key for Sustainable Growth

The pandemic restrictions are being slowly loosened, and the usual brick-and-mortar stores in countries like the United Kingdom, Ireland, France and Czech Republic, are being opened again, while some states in the U.S. are planning to do so soon. ...

May 18, 2021 Best Practices for Aligning Your Reward Strategy with the Market

Most employees desire a workplace where their contribution is valued, and they have the opportunity to make a difference. In fact, a surprising discovery on employee retention from one study found that 79% of employees who quit, or leave their rol...

May 18, 2021 Hospitality: How Businesses Can Boost Efficiency and Profits

Due to coronavirus, 2020 was one of the toughest years yet for hospitality industry. Forced closures have heavily impacted on footfall and revenue – and 2021 still a year with plenty of restrictions, this challenging period isn’t over yet.

May 17, 2021 How to Make Remote Working More Environmentally Friendly

In the past year, more opportunities to work from home and reduced transport emissions have been a concrete demonstration of the impact of our working lives on the environment. How then do we continue to improve our footing on eco-friendly work an...