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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

May 12, 2021 Accelerating Team Effectiveness in the COVID-19 World

A year since the beginning of state-mandated stay-at-home orders and workplace shutdowns due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, team functioning, and office routines have been significantly impacted and changed dramatically. During the pandemic, Hog...

May 10, 2021 79% of Those on Furlough Considering Applying to Jobs Below Their Skill Level

Research released earlier in May by NTT DATA UK, a world leader in consulting and IT services, reveals that 79% of people on the UK government’s furlough scheme are considering applying for jobs they are overqualified for if they cannot return to ...

May 7, 2021 5 Return to Work Tips for Your Employees After a Crisis

It can be challenging to know what to do after a crisis. Even after an emergency subsides, it’s not always clear how to proceed with work when everyone comes back. After the COVID-19 pandemic, these questions seem especially relevant.

May 6, 2021 Lessons from the CEO Working to Build a More Equitable Society

As a purpose-driven entrepreneur and a father to three children, I’m proud to have played a part in several movements to drive positive, sustainable changes within communities. First and foremost, my experience in the education sector has left m...

May 5, 2021 Will High Street Stores Turn to the Dark Side to Survive Their Battle with E-commerce

The reopening of non-essential stores has seen shoppers flocking back to the High Street. Footfall soared over 90% during the first week that non-essential stores reopened. However, the home delivery expert ParcelHero is warning that the High Stre...

May 4, 2021 What’s Happened to the Flexibility in Warehousing that Businesses Desperately Need?

Economists predict that the UK economy will show a dramatic recovery from the pandemic – but this could be curtailed by a simple shortage of storage space. Our clients tell us of a serious market failure, yet, extraordinarily, in the government’s ...

April 30, 2021 Are Garden Offices the Future for the UK Workforce?

When it comes to our work life, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted all our lives in one way or another. For those in occupations were working from home is possible, this became the new norm in 2020 and still continues in 2021. But as we see life gradu...

April 29, 2021 Empower and Engage: The Key to Developing Your Team in Innovative Companies

When employers are looking to build up a team for an innovative project, they can often fall into the trap of looking for someone new rather than realising the potential of their current workforce. It is often the case that the person who shouts t...

April 28, 2021 Over 50% of Remote Workers are Worried About Workplace Exclusion

Thanks to COVID-19, remote working has become the ‘new normal’ for many workers across the globe. While many profess to prefer this way of working, the impending re-opening of offices and a gradual return of many colleagues to the 9-5 , is causing...