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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

April 9, 2021 77% of the UK Experience This Work-Related Syndrome

You may read the phrase “imposter syndrome” and be surprised that there’s a phrase for something you feel without realising it’s a common thing. Have you ever felt like you’re not good enough for the career you have? Do you doubt yourself and feel...

April 8, 2021 The Three Areas Businesses Invested in to Make it Through the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has taught us a lot of lessons. We have a better appreciation of our key workers, which includes NHS staff, shop workers, and transport and logistics providers. A better understanding of the spread of infectious viruses ha...

April 7, 2021 Stress Awareness Month: 7 Steps to Managing Stress As Workplaces Reopen Post-Covid

With 73% of workers admitting they fear a return to the workplace could pose a risk to their personal health and safety, David McCormack, CEO of employee benefits and outsourced payroll provider HIVE360, shares seven practical steps for Stress Awa...

April 6, 2021 What Needs To Happen To Support Inclusion Of Transgender Employees

In recognition of International Transgender Day of Visibility on 31st March, we caught up with Joanne Lockwood, a Diversity & Inclusion & Belonging Specialist who also promotes Transgender Awareness to organisations, and an Associate Facil...

April 1, 2021 Bid Smarter. Win More. Live Better.

Blackdragon is a full-spectrum management consultancy focused on helping federal contractor bidders win targeted government contracts. After receiving his award with CEO Monthly, we got in touch with Rob Rosenberger to find out more about how he e...

March 31, 2021 Tailored Solutions

Established in 2012, Cloud Theory is a technology firm specializing in customized Salesforce-based client relationship management solutions for financial services. Recently, we caught up with Brian Marchand to find out more about their exceptional...

March 31, 2021 Experts Provide 6 Ways Leaders Can Actively Lift Inclusions Barriers

“You either care about people or you don’t but you can’t fake it, and in turn, inclusive leadership starts with recognising the value of individuals” says Garry Eccles, Vice President of Cereal Partners at Nestle. “If leaders don’t value individua...

March 30, 2021 Shaping the Post-COVID-19 Recovery: Rethinking HR For the Digital World

To extend their sphere of influence even further, HR leaders must now rethink how they can support their organizations to adapt to the workplace of the future and empower digital workplaces. This is according to TrueProfile.io, a leading provider ...

March 29, 2021 Highfliers

GlideFast Consulting is an Elite ServiceNow Partner that is dedicated to using its profound knowledge of the ServiceNow industry coupled with real-world experience to create solutions for business success. Having used the platform as both consulta...