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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

March 9, 2021 Software CEO Seals Success

Established in 2008, Igloo Software was designed to be a solution that helped companies move beyond traditional intranets, instead embracing the world of inspiring digital destinations that improve communication, knowledge sharing, collaboration, ...

March 8, 2021 Lighting Up the Traffic Industry

When driving in the United Kingdom, or most other places in the world, one of the most common things that is seen on the roads is traffic lights. That ever-present combination of green, red and amber lights has played a vital role in the lives of ...

March 8, 2021 Millwood Marks International Women’s Day 2021

In recognition of this year’s International Women’s Day on Monday 8th March, luxury homebuilder Millwood Designer Homes is celebrating the female members of its workforce. Offering an insight into what it is like as a woman in the housebuilding in...

March 5, 2021 Breaking Barriers in Real Estate

Platinum Premier Global Equity (PPGE) is a minority-owned, U.S.-based, private equity firm that bridges capital from around the world for projects in growth-oriented cities and industries, with a core focus on real estate. Working in such a comple...

March 4, 2021 Hospitality Firms Hope For a Summer Boost With Relaxed Covid-19 Restrictions

More than three quarters of smaller hospitality firms are confident of a boost to their business in the summer if lockdown restrictions are relaxed, according to a new research conducted by Recognise Bank, UK’s newest SME business bank. The sector...

March 2, 2021 Returning to work spring 2021

As businesses prepare to return to working in large scale offices and face to face meetings they need to fully consider the health and safety of their workforce. It is more important than ever to have a responsible testing procedure in place to pr...

March 2, 2021 Simple But Effective

Established in 2016, Keep IT Simple (KITS) is a London-based company that specialises in providing the highest quality and value in IT design, build, delivery support and transformation services for public and private clients. Conceived by a team ...

March 1, 2021 Health & Hygiene for Corporate CEO

Health is incredibly important for everybody on the planet. Whether it is maintaining their current health, or working towards a goal that can help them to lead a healthier lifestyle, it is a core part of our lives that we all need to take care of...

February 26, 2021 Finding the Formula to Combat Back-to-Work Anxiety in STEM

Mental health is a popular topic at the moment, while the majority of us were trying to maintain a healthy routine and lifestyle while stuck indoors, it begged the question, what about after lockdown? Back to work anxiety was bad enough for some o...