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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

December 16, 2019 Simply The One To Watch In Health and Fitness

Peter Williams is the Managing Director of premium health, fitness & wellbeing centre The Thames Club.

December 13, 2019 Asset Management Group Achieves Success with Premier Hedge Fund

An advisory and asset management specialist, River and Mercantile Group is dedicated to improving the investment outcomes of its clients. With 250 staff spanning offices in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia, the firm is a leading pro...

December 11, 2019 Superb CEO Secures Legacy

Founded in 2005 by visionary retail expert Peter O’Toole, RMS has consistently grown year on year to become one of the country’s leading merchandising companies for many of the top retailers throughout the United Kingdom. Following the passing of ...

December 4, 2019 Mihai Ivascu: A CEO Changing the Face of Business

There can be no doubt that Mihai Ivascu has made a bombastic impact on the global technology space. As CEO and Founder of Modex, he has become one of the leaders of a landscape that has become defined by innovation, evolution and adaptation. We sp...

December 2, 2019 A Leader in the Biotech Sphere Driving the Future of Personalised Treatments

Abreos Biosciences is a privately-owned San Diego-based biotechnology company that develops precision dosing solutions for biologic therapies. We spoke with CEO Bradley Messmer to find out more about his company and their ground-breaking work.

November 29, 2019 Software Solved launches Insurance Practice with 20-year strong experience in the sector

Software Solved, the data and software specialist, is delighted to announce the launch of its Insurance Practice which is dedicated to serving clients in the Insurance sector. The practice launch builds upon the company’s 20 years’ experience crea...

November 27, 2019 The battle for talent just got tougher

After a long period of stagnation, recent ONS statistics highlight that UK wages are growing at an annual rate of 3.8 per cent – faster than the rate of inflation. As such, inflation seems to have regained its position as the minimum benchmark for...

November 21, 2019 Film Financiers Propel Industry Forward

Based in the United Kingdom, Red Rock Entertainment is one of the country’s most successful film finance companies.

November 18, 2019 Record GDPR fine provides stark data and payment protection warning to business owners

With reports* confirming that British Airways will be fined £183 million by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) following a significant data breach last year, PCI Pal’s CEO James Barham is encouraging businesses to step-up data protection ...