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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

October 14, 2019 Creating your Board: The CEO

Whether we consciously chose them or not, everybody has their most trusted advisers, those certain people in our family, friends or social groups who we inadvertently always turn to for an opinion or guidance.

October 10, 2019 ChargePoint Appoints Former PowerTeam Services CEO Roxanne Bowman to Board of Directors

Bowman brings more than 27 years of utility experience, currently serving as an Operating Executive at NMS Capital and a member of the Board of Directors of CLEAResult, a company working to transform energy challenges into energy efficiency soluti...

October 8, 2019 Renewtrak brings its white label SaaS to vendors, distributors and resellers, finally enabling capture of the notorious renewals long tail

Renewtrak, a Palo Alto-based software-as-a-Service renewals enterprise business has come up with a solution that automates the famously hard nut to crack: the long tail. Here we talk to Renewtrak CEO, Nick McMenemy about Renewtrak.

October 3, 2019 The World Leaders of the Next Technological Age

OXIS Energy is developing safe, high-energy Lithium-Sulfur technology for use in rechargeable batteries for a variety of sectors, though utilised primarily in aviation, defence and security and heavy electric vehicles (HEV) applications. We took a...

September 30, 2019 Projecting Excellence in the Technology Sphere

We spoke with CEO Mark Ashcroft, on the back of his recognition as the ‘2019 CEO of the Year for the UK’, to find out more about the company’s extraordinary success and peerless reputation.

September 26, 2019 Presenting the ‘Food Solutioners’

Earlier in the year, CEO Monthly acknowledged DP Supply’s Sierk Weisser-Krepetin as the ‘2019 CEO of the Year for Germany’ in our annual recognition programme. Following that, we sought to find out more about this key player on the worldwide distr...

September 24, 2019 Building a Brighter Future

Following WEC Energy’s distinguished CEO, Gale Klappa, being named as the 2019 CEO of the Year for the USA, we took a closer look at this true goliath of the industry to find out more.

September 19, 2019 Future-Proofing Your Finances

Established in 1986, London & Capital has become one of the largest independent UK-based wealth managers that specialise in strategic and future-proof financial planning.

September 18, 2019 Small Business, Big Banking Dilemmas

Anders la Cour, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Banking Circle looks at how financial institutions can better-serve SMEs.