After two years of Generative AI being the hottest trend in the tech world, most people agree that the new technology will disrupt businesses' operations. McKinsey expects GenAI's annual economic impact to reach $6.1-7.9T.GenAI, a subset...
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Software ownership has undergone an interesting evolution. Traditionally, software producers retained ownership, through licensing or the use of Software as a Service (SaaS). However, the AI era provides an opportunity to bring about a significant...
Having friendships and being included means we are more engaged, productive and creative, have better job satisfaction and employee turnover is often lower. If that is such a given then why do one in five of us feel lonely at work according to men...
Based in London, Artvera Private Wealth Management (APWM) is an independent wealth management boutique, providing alternative investment management, comprehensive wealth planning solutions, and corporate advisory services to high-net-worth individ...
A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack causes millions of organizations around the world to contend with low-performance, inoperable, or completely disabled business systems.
2024 is a pivotal year. Not only because there are general elections in the UK and U.S. It’s important because according to research, 4.1 million people in the U.S. are expected to retire, with 2024 seeing the largest population celebrating their ...
In the fast-paced, ever-evolving world of business, leadership is often depicted as a combination of charisma, strategic acumen, and the ability to inspire action. We idolise visionary CEOs who seem to effortlessly steer their companies to success...
In today's fast-paced business world, being an effective executive leader isn't just about making decisions from the top down. It's about connecting with people, embracing innovation, and adapting to constant change. It's a jou...
Every CIO wants to lead an efficient IT department aligned with the company’s IT goals. Yet no one wants to be the CIO who builds the IT department from a shambolic to an organized, productive, and secure state. Unfortunately, there’s ...