Industrial facilities are at the forefront of environmental protection, facing immense challenges in safeguarding our environment from harmful emissions and discharges. However, they’re not without their vulnerabilities.
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Back in January 2024, HMRC - of the UK government - announced a series of new measures it intends to bring in to help ‘simplify and modernise the tax system’ of the country.
In 2019, Seven Investment Management (7IM) welcomed Investment Management CEO of the Year 2023 – London awardee Dean Proctor into the role, based off of his 25 years of direct experience and true passion for the industry.
When it comes to shipping bulk orders, any savvy CEO will understand the importance of choosing the right logistics solutions. One such solution that stands out for its numerous benefits is pallet delivery.
Have you ever been part of a toxic work environment? Did you feel like your higher-ups were failing to protect staff from bullying and harassment? Toxicity in the workplace comes in many different shapes and sizes but, with a number of high-profil...
Being a CEO of a company often involves travelling to a variety of workplace locations and, depending on the nature of the business, this can be both nationally and internationally. But with significant travel comes the issue of carbon footprints....
Gary Das is a successful author, business community leader and the founder and host of his own top 100 podcast, The PRO Podcast, which is nearing 300 episodes and listened to in over 50+ countries.
Managing a team can be an exciting experience but it can also pose challenges, particularly for first time managers and those transitioning from a team member to a leader.
ERP systems have become essential systems for managing business data and processes, including HR, operations, finance, supply chain, manufacturing, and customer relationships. Some of these areas, depending on the industry, are under strict contro...