When something significant is going wrong, someone always knows the truth. The Post Office scandal in the UK is the most topical example where many senior people knew what was going on but chose to collude while over 900 sub-postmasters were fals...
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Supporting clients in over thirty industries across both the UK and Europe alike, Performa IT is a registered salesforce consulting partner that has long since recognised the value of bespoke approaches.
With more than seven years of CEO experience under his belt, Donation Platform CEO of the Year 2023 – Canada Josh Bloomfield heads up Givecloud, a human-first tech company that serves to empower nonprofit organisations across the world.
For some, leadership has grown beyond building teams and ensuring ample profitability. Being able to hold your nerve was a necessary skill for 2023, in addition to the prioritisation of the much talked about skills of flexibility and nurturing the...
Navigating today's fast-paced market to distinguish and efficiently scale your business can feel like a complex maze. The magic of white label services emerges as a beacon of hope, offering you a strategic path toward growth and differentiation.
The equipment you use for transportation, storage, and other logistics determines how sustainable your operations are. Read our blog for purchasing tips.
Based in Hull, DataFlowIQ is a software company dedicated to driving the digitalisation of manufacturing companies by providing them with an easy-to-use digital infrastructure that integrates seamlessly with their processes.
Concept Yachts is a firm anchored in providing innovative, high calibre solutions and services across the maritime industry, with the company priding itself on its ability to craft cutting-edge, one-of-a-kind yachts that bring together the sophist...
For the last decade, Sapphire Utility Solutions Ltd. has been providing award-winning services to several important sectors, including clean water, wastewater, gas, digital networks, and highways.