At the end of a productive year and with next year’s blank calendars ready to be filled up, it's a good time for CEOs and managers to consider new ways to thank their employees.
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As the holiday season sparkles on the horizon, businesses are gearing up for festive gatherings. Amid the glitz and glamour, there's a rising awareness that corporate events can shine even brighter with a touch of sustainability.
When you’re in charge of a fleet, one of the things you must prepare for is the possibility of accidents. There are many common mistakes that trucking companies and fleet managers can potentially make. The best way to handle a truck acc...
Many of us tend to worry about the present. We think about all the plans we have for the coming week, all the work we need to get done today, and how we are going to make time for important tasks like grocery shopping. Often, the result is that we...
Sport was my life. As a young boy I was dreaming of waiving the Union Flag on top of a podium at the Olympic Games. I never thought that as an adult I would end up in a boardroom running such an impactful start-up for global equality.Sport has alw...
In the heart of the 21st century, it's no secret that digital transformation has become an integral part of nearly every industry.
Onca Technologies provides a complete range of Cyber Security and IT services, creating bespoke solutions for businesses of an array of sizes across a wide range of industries.
Are you looking for the best investment loans to purchase a new property in New Hampshire or elsewhere in the United States? You have come to the right place. Use this guide to help shop your lending options and choose the one that allows you to m...
For many employees, the Christmas party is a key date on the corporate calendar. It is a time to celebrate the festive season with colleagues in a fun setting and let your hair down. For the business, it’s a chance to wave goodbye to a productive ...