This week the Met Office issued its long-range forecast which predicted “very warm conditions” with the start of June and the summer months officially upon us.
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The Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are becoming increasingly important for board members, investors, governments and regulators and continue to create opportunities and challenges for companies globally.
As CFO of Digital Catapult, I’ve had the privilege of playing an instrumental role in growing the organisation over the past ten years, contributing towards its success as the UK authority on digital technology, and working with 2,743 startups in ...
Being a CEO is a demanding role that requires immense dedication and time commitment. However, many CEOs are also keen on exploring stock trading and investing to grow their personal wealth.
LinkedIn has become an essential tool for recruiters and job seekers alike. With its vast network of professionals and job opportunities, LinkedIn has made it easier than ever to connect with potential candidates and employers.
Having launched the concept of giant smartphones back in 2011, tech pioneer Mark Jones has taken Giant iTab from a fledgling company to a highly respected global brand with multiple awards and global partners around the world.
Supplying company cars from either a large or small fleet can sometimes result in headache after headache. With so many statistics and variables to keep on top of, it can feel like a mammoth task to undertake within your corporation.
According to a survey conducted by Trvst in 2019, 81 per cent of respondents said that to judge a leader as successful, they must be able to lead them through "more complexity and ambiguity". Few could have predicted exactly how leaders ...
Since its founding in 1948, Ogilvy has been growing major brands and businesses like Dove, IBM, Coca Cola, Mondelez, YUM, Nestle, and many others through borderless creativity – operating, innovating, and creating at the intersection of talent and...