Of the many business solutions an organisation could invest in, ERP is arguably amongst the most worthwhile. In fact, 95% of businesses reported that after using ERP they saw improvements such as reducing process times, increasing collaboration, a...
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It’s that time of year when workplace Christmas parties are in the calendar and everyone’s planning their outfit.
Clutter can be a huge distraction, and it can make you feel overwhelmed. If you're struggling to focus at work or if your office is feeling a bit too cramped, it might be time to take some steps to avoid clutter. In this blog post, we will di...
If you have been long running your business, its needs and objectives could have changed substantially in that time, potentially rendering the organisation’s current office rather less useful for you than it once was.
In today’s world, organisations need to act with purpose and with high impact as much as possible. Erika Giorgana is Humand CEO & Founder, as well as a passionate believer in the power of people and the impact they can have on businesses.
The success of a physical retail store is not just dependent on the quality of its products or services. It also depends on its management and marketing. Generally, promoting a business is crucial since the success or failure of any business will...
In an ever-changing world, businesses need to adapt quickly to survive. Agile working is crucial to this, and the team at Adventures with Agile know this better than anyone.
Videos are one of the most versatile and accessible marketing tools today 83% of businesses use video content marketing, and they believe it gives them good ROI. There is a solid reason underlying this stat. Well, one of the most important reasons...
More than 260 million people will buy from eCommerce websites by 2026. The future of retail belongs to eCommerce platforms, and we’ll see more online-offline hybrid stores in the coming years.