As winter approaches some employees may be finding that they go to work and come home in complete darkness.
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What’s worse than not having access to the right data? Having a massive amount of unstructured data that’s hard to read and make sense of.
London, BRIDGE Partnership - a global organisational transformation and leadership development consultancy - has launched a landmark study titled, ‘How Did She Get There?’, analysing why leading women become successful.
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, many workers were wishing for the option of working from home. Only a handful of companies had previously explored the benefits of employing a remote workforce, and these were often the companies that fared best dur...
Your email list is one of the most important assets of your business. You want to ensure they get what they came looking for through your signup form, and the experience is nowhere near the horrific example we discussed above.
In a world full of individuals and a shared striving for equality, one role has pervaded throughout the course of human existence as crucial to the functioning of teams, organisations, and even entire countries. From Julius Caesar to Rishi Sunak, ...
It’s not official yet, but the Bank of England believes the UK economy is now in a recession – and is likely to stay there for a while.
As business leaders prepare for yet another economic downturn, driven by rising inflation, skills shortages and ongoing supply chain disruption, it is more important than ever that they adopt a positive mindset to optimise their financial performa...
As a small business owner, you do everything possible to shield your company from potential threats and liabilities to its reputation and financial well-being. You probably have a risk management strategy in place to help you and your team prevent...