As one of the leading opticians in Germany, Pro Optik is dominating the market in more ways than one.
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Medsource Group Limited, led by the winner of the ‘CEO of the Year’ 2021 for Kenya, is a diligent and well-established company that is helping Kenya’s pharmaceutical infrastructure in becoming something globally competitive.
As the ‘CEO of the Year’ in 2021 for Italy, Giovanni Blandina’s company, Easyrain, has made a name for itself as a company with an innovative solution and no direct competition.
With a goal to deliver tangible savings for employers and modernize needed benefits for employees with high expectation, Safe Harbor Health guarantees immediate measurable financial savings for all.
When looking at PERI USA, you might see a large contractor able to offer a wealth of different building solutions. Under the hood, however, is a modern family company designed to provide the ultimate in service at all times.
When it comes to transport within the healthcare industry, there are few services finer than ERS Medical. Their incredible team supports over 250 NHS Orgnaisations, freeing frontline NHS staff to provide vital healthcare transportation at all times.
As a company, Performive has been lauded as one of the best and fastest growing technological firms in Atlanta.
Building a family is no easy feat, even in today’s modern world. For the team at ARC® Fertility, the aim has always been to help people through this challenging process with compassionate care.
Snowland Journeys CIC is a non-profit organisation which supports the wellbeing and welfare of Nepal’s High Himalayan children; helping them reconnect and maintain contact with their mountain families and culture, alongside their right to education.