The number of new businesses across the UK have increased by 60% in the last 2 decades and new research shows that this trend isn’t stopping there - the number of new businesses launched in the UK at the start of 2022 have increased by 20% since t...
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The fastest growing workforce on the planet is in the gig economy, but many organisations simply don’t know how to tap into this fantastic network of talent.
Mission Underwriting Managers LLC (Mission Underwriters) is a general agency in the P&C market which specialises in taking entrepreneurial underwriters and setting them up as a semi-autonomous entity within its own structure.
Led by exemplary CEO Dale Hansen, Austbrokers Coast to Coast is a professional insurance and risk advisor brokerage that has been safeguarding the livelihoods of the Australian public since 1985.
Established in 2017, Smart For Life (f/k/a Bonne Santé Group) is a buy and build conglomerate in the health and wellness space.
A company striving to deliver exceptionally high-quality management consultancy services that compete with the existing multi-national, enterprise level leading brands, Arcadia Management Consulting LLC is gaining reputation in its industry.
Established in 2002 under the leadership of Gerry Gibb, Safety Wise undertakes investigation training and investigations into workplace incidents including fatalities, high-potential incidents, serious injuries, and near-miss events.
Novige AB is the Swedish cleantech start-up behind the development of NoviOcean wave energy converter, the solution to finally making wave energy profitable and accessible to all.
With over 18 years’ experience in finance and operations, Emma Charsley, Chief Operating Officer of management consultancy, Vendigital, has gained a wealth of expertise whilst supporting growing businesses in a variety of sectors. It is no secret...