The current economic situation has resulted in a bizarre labour market that looks healthy and unhealthy at the same time. Here’s a summary of methods companies could use to retain their staff this year.
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Expedient Tax is a company striving to excel in the business of preparing income tax returns for individuals and small businesses, through fast and efficient service and at affordable prices.
When it comes to growth, the power of digital innovations cannot be underestimated. The team behind GrowthRocks understands this better than most, with their CEO, Theodore Moulos, leading the way when it comes to this innovative technology.
In what is now a hybrid work world, Proximity provides simple, powerful workspace management technology to improve the way people collaborate and work.
Platform for Connected Leadership (PCL) focuses on clients in various industries that are serious about transformational leadership development as they need to realign their resource application in an intra- and post-pandemic changed world.
Founded by Hocine Sidi-Said and Alhadi Alwazir, KELIX bio is a buy-and-build specialty generic business focused on emerging markets and designed to compete through innovation and cost leadership.
You have a lot of responsibilities as a Chief Executive Officer because you're not only responsible for the day-to-day operations of your company but also play a significant role in its long-term success.
Knowledge is an incredible powerful tool, and having control of that knowledge is vital in highly regulated industries. The team at Knowledge Preservation LLC, under the guiding hand of Phyllis Elin, have maintained the highest standards on an int...
Mahogany Inclusion Partners, led by the ‘CEO of the Year, 2021’ for London in the United Kingdom, is the company creating spaces in which organisations can have tough conversations