The benefits of a motivated workforce are manifold; businesses with motivated employees tend to be more productive, there’s less absence at work, there is likely to be improved talent retention and finally, improved engagement levels.
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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.
Here, we talk to some of the women blazing the trail in leadership positions at Kura to find out more about their careers, how they find being a woman in leadership, and how they support other women looking to break the bias.
Many tasks can distract you from achieving your goals when you first enter the fast-pacing business world. It’s imperative to get accurate information about your business that will allow you to focus on efforts that will enable you to make the mos...
You started up a business, and you’re feeling great about how it seems to be going. Maybe you’ve had some good sales or a few clients. Everything seems to be off to a great start. But how can you tell if you are successful at this stage in the game?
Payroll can be a confusing and challenging part of running a business. Pay Check mentions that payroll can be a complicated process. Yet despite this, small businesses cannot reliably pay their employees and meet tax burdens without an adequately ...
In the race to the top, some people soar, some people climb up slowly and some people never get there. Most people assume that in order to have a great career in management, they have to attend a prestigious business school, and get an MBA, and th...
As a business, it is crucial to always ensure high standards of health and wellbeing in the workplace. This article explores some ways in which businesses can help their home-working staff wind down after office hours.
Recent stats show one-third of Britons are still working from home despite the rule changes. Working from home has proven to be successful over these last 2 years. On average, those who work from home are 47% more productive.
Amanda Coulson is Founder of SVC Solutions, one of the UK’s leading provider of business solutions. Drawing on her 22 years’ experience, we find out what it takes to become a great leader.