With so much change in the workplace over the last couple of years, many employees may have found themselves falling into negative working patterns.
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Founded 40 years ago in the United Arab Emirates by the Father of the Nation, late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nayhan, Al Ain Farms was the first dairy company in the UAE to start the dairy operations and provide fresh milk to the nation.
The past year has been challenging for the retail industry, with the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting restrictions forcing the closure of physical stores nationwide.
A company operating with pride and diligence, Brooklyn Vendor Assurance Ltd is a VendorOps and vendor management company changing the way supply chains work with a single platform.
Advice is easy to give, but harder to be put in place by those receiving it. In part, this is because we all work differently and favour various operating ways. However, if there is one advice we all need to follow, it is that when it comes to dig...
The idea of Blue Monday (17th Jan) has persisted in culture despite it now being widely dismissed as pseudoscience and a clever PR trick. It suggests that our fears and anxieties culminate on one specific day, when in reality they fluctuate throug...
Communications is vital to a successful business. Effective communication means that people will feel comfortable talking to people at all levels of the business. Communication is essential to create productivity within a business.
CEO, Sean McCauley founded The Devmark Group in June 2018, with Richard Aybar, his founding partner and the company managing director, with a vision to offer the real estate market a unique approach to strategic insight, positioning, marketing and...
The world of marketing has changed significantly over the years, requiring a management approach that is flexible and driven in equal measure. Few CEOs display these qualities as well as Loay Almagushi, of First Mover, a company committed to brand...