Building Better Public Services For All - Featured Image | CEO Monthly

Building Better Public Services For All

The public sector is absolutely integral to the operation, movement, and progression of society. Owned and run by the government, the public sector is the part of an economy that is completely controlled by the state. Of course, we need businesses that work with the public sector to improve the way it functions, so that our future can be brilliant. Here we look to Rhys Evans as he wins Most Influential Public Sector Support CEO 2023 – London.

Working with the UK Government to improve public sector services, AdRoc is a team player which consistently upholds its values. At its very core, AdRoc always strives to improve the public sector for everyone. It provides “high performing multi-disciplinary teams, specialists, and managed service solutions to the UK Public Sector.”

By developing and delivering multiple user-centred services to millions of individuals across the UK, AdRoc is becoming a giant in its industry. From discovery to alpha, beta, and live, its services are aiding others in ways they haven’t experienced before.

AdRoc works diligently to create and provide cloud-based services to users, stakeholders, policy teams, and agile development teams – in order to meet their needs entirely. It is a software development partner, working alongside GDS, UKMOJ, DFE, and BEIS. AdRoc’s team always adheres to GDS standards to increase cost savings, flexibility, guarantee success, and so much more.

Its technical architecture services are created in a completely bespoke fashion. It centers on clean, simple architecture to increase scalability and development to an incredible standard. In fact, everything it does can result in cost savings and success. Its skills across every segment of its work guarantee improvement, agility, skill advancements, and the satisfaction of user’s needs.

Rhys Evans, CEO of AdRoc, has over 10 years of experience in his role. After an admirable career path in software development and consulting, Rhys swiftly positioned himself as a fine choice for the CEO spot at AdRoc Group.


AdRoc’s CEO, Rhys Evans, truly stands out from the crowd due to his dedication, zest for development, and ability to help “build better public services.”


With AdRoc’s founding in 2012, Rhys decided to share his vast knowledge, experience, and support with a team of individuals who each look to be part of something bigger than themselves. More than a machine that drives products forth for profit alone, AdRoc’s team create opportunities for people to experience better services across many areas such as the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Ministry of Justice, Legal Aid Agency, Department for Work and Pensions, Public Health England, Department for Education, and more.

Rhys has now won Most Influential Public Sector Support CEO 2023 – London, and things are getting better and better for his already flourishing career. Gaining recognition is part of his development, and we’re pleased to celebrate his win.

For business enquiries, contact Rhys Evans from AdRoc Group on their website –

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