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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

January 3, 2023 Failure is Inevitable: Here’s How You Get Over It

Failure is an unavoidable part of life. I like to think of failure as the necessary underbelly of success. In the absence of failure, how would you determine what your successes are?

January 3, 2023 Key Outlooks for Business and Society in 2023

It’s no secret that 2023 is going to be a rough ride for most, with the cost of living and soaring energy prices weighing heavily on consumers and businesses alike.

December 22, 2022 How To Hit Refresh On Employee Mindset In 2023

With the new year fast approaching, how can businesses ensure they are in pole position for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in 2023?

December 22, 2022 Why You Should Be Using a CRM In Your Business

In 1956, Danish engineer Hildaur Neilsen invented the rolodex. Although not the only one of its kind, rolodex soon came to be to the spring loaded phone directory, what Hoover became to vacuum cleaners – synonymous! In fact, so iconic was the rolo...

December 22, 2022 Take Your Business to the Next Level with an Effective Point-of-Sale System

Staying ahead of the competition and keep up to date with practises and policies it not an easy task for the modern business owner. The economic world today poses unprecedented challenges that many retailers have never had to come up against befor...

December 22, 2022 10 Ways to Secure Start-Up Capital for Your New Venture Like a Successful CEO

Whatever your business idea may be, you need capital to launch a new business. Unfortunately, this may be the one hiccup that prevents entrepreneurs from getting their business concept off the ground or causing the company to fail because of a lac...

December 21, 2022 How To Get Approved For A Hire Purchase

Hire purchase is an excellent option if you want your dream car or home right now. It's also a wise means of acquiring office space for newly-found businesses. Instead of investing a huge part of your capital in your workspace, you can get it...

December 21, 2022 How Employee Health Insurance Affects Your Business

One of the many ways a business owner can attract and keep the best employees is by providing health insurance. Historically, only larger businesses have been able to provide these group plans. But if you own a small business, you can also give yo...

December 20, 2022 How to Effectively Manage Returns in Your Online Store

The truth is that online stores deal with way more returns than physical ones. And while it’s part and parcel of running an eCommerce store, it doesn’t mean that your business has to suffer.

December 19, 2022 Why Energy and Net Zero Need to be a Board-Level Issue

It is fair to say that when it comes to the energy market - we have experienced one of the most volatile periods of time in recent memory.

December 19, 2022 9 Valuable Tips to Nail Your CEO Job Interview

The post of the CEO is the topmost one in an organisation and a highly esteemed one at that. Therefore, interviewing for such an important job might have you breaking more than a couple of sweats, and understandably so. Not anymore, though. The ti...

December 16, 2022 How To Save On Company Fuel Expenses All Year Round

With the current crisis caused by unfortunate events in the world, gas prices have constantly been growing. For both individuals and companies, this expense is becoming less manageable. However, with the latest developments in technology, you can ...