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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

December 9, 2022 7 Ways You Can Ensure the Work Christmas Party Goes to Plan

It’s that time of year when workplace Christmas parties are in the calendar and everyone’s planning their outfit.

December 9, 2022 Tips To Avoid Clutter in Your Office

Clutter can be a huge distraction, and it can make you feel overwhelmed. If you're struggling to focus at work or if your office is feeling a bit too cramped, it might be time to take some steps to avoid clutter. In this blog post, we will di...

December 8, 2022 How to Decide When it is Time for You to Move Your Business into a New Office

If you have been long running your business, its needs and objectives could have changed substantially in that time, potentially rendering the organisation’s current office rather less useful for you than it once was.

December 5, 2022 3 Ways Video Advertising Can Broaden Exposure For Your Business

Videos are one of the most versatile and accessible marketing tools today 83% of businesses use video content marketing, and they believe it gives them good ROI. There is a solid reason underlying this stat. Well, one of the most important reasons...

December 2, 2022 10 Online Money Management Strategies for eCommerce

More than 260 million people will buy from eCommerce websites by 2026. The future of retail belongs to eCommerce platforms, and we’ll see more online-offline hybrid stores in the coming years.

December 1, 2022 Accounting Crunch Time: When Should you Start Preparing End-of-Year Finances?

Do the terms end-of-year finances or taxes fill you with dread? It is a testing time for many companies as they frantically search under metaphorical couch cushions to unearth all of their receipts to ensure the taxman can’t find fault with their ...

November 30, 2022 10 Reasons Why Focusing on Equality Is Crucial in 2023

Following a turbulent, expensive and divisive year for many, it would be possible to look to 2023 with some degree of despondency but taking positive measures to create equality in the workplace could change the narrative of your business and chan...

November 29, 2022 The Importance of Reducing Your Business’ Energy Consumption

Find out the importance of reducing your company's energy consumption, along with some tips to follow when reducing a company's consumption in the future.

November 24, 2022 Eight Steps for Long-Term Employee Wellbeing

In the wake of a 25% increase in anxiety and depression worldwide, triggered by the pandemic and compounded by economic instability and digital overload, strategies and policies that protect employee mental health must now be the norm.

November 23, 2022 8 Admirable Organisational Traits That Promote Retention & Engagement

Companies that operate on multiple continents with hundreds of employees didn’t get there without having effective organizational structures. From janitors to engineers, employees have the right to have their emotional and financial needs met.

November 21, 2022 Five Tips To Help Employers Combat SAD In The Workplace

As winter approaches some employees may be finding that they go to work and come home in complete darkness.

November 18, 2022 New Report Calls for Workplaces to Enable Women Leaders by Scrapping Alpha Male Cultures to Thrive in Today’s Disruptive, Complex and Volatile World

London, BRIDGE Partnership - a global organisational transformation and leadership development consultancy - has launched a landmark study titled, ‘How Did She Get There?’, analysing why leading women become successful.