With so much change in the workplace over the last couple of years, many employees may have found themselves falling into negative working patterns.
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The past year has been challenging for the retail industry, with the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting restrictions forcing the closure of physical stores nationwide.
Advice is easy to give, but harder to be put in place by those receiving it. In part, this is because we all work differently and favour various operating ways. However, if there is one advice we all need to follow, it is that when it comes to dig...
The idea of Blue Monday (17th Jan) has persisted in culture despite it now being widely dismissed as pseudoscience and a clever PR trick. It suggests that our fears and anxieties culminate on one specific day, when in reality they fluctuate throug...
Communications is vital to a successful business. Effective communication means that people will feel comfortable talking to people at all levels of the business. Communication is essential to create productivity within a business.
In the Spring of 2021, a new phenomenon emerged, drastically altering the recruitment landscape – ‘The Great Resignation’. And this trend has persisted: 4.2 million Americans quit their jobs as recently as October – that’s 2.8 percent of the entir...
Unless you’re very prominent in your field or you’re among the very few people who’ve managed to sustain a highly trafficked blog apart from their day job, your professional website’s traffic is a rounding error in comparison to the typical Fortun...
Standing out is easy in theory but difficult in practice. Still, you’ll have an easier time of it if you do these seven things early in your business’s life (and before your business is properly born, in some cases).
With Christmas a mere two weeks away, and the new work from home guidance about to come into force, work stress can start to take over as we attempt to complete our to do lists before we break up for the most magical time of the year.
Much has been said, written, discussed, about how difficult things have been for workers and businesses recently. However, this period of intense change also poses an incredible opportunity for businesses, offering options to overhaul how things a...
Anna Whitehouse, founder of the Flex Appeal campaign, has spent the last several years campaigning for women and working mums to be hired and treated without bias in the workplace. And with good reason. In 2019, a widely-shared survey revealed tha...
With many high-profile figures speaking out about their experiences of miscarriage, we’re talking more and more about the reality of losing a baby. However, pregnancy loss is still a subject that falls under the radar, especially when it comes to ...