As we move through the academic year, many students are preparing to graduate and enter the world of work. However, these future workers will be entering into a working environment unlike any other we’ve experienced. Universities continue to teach...
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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.
Covid-19 has changed numerous things for women, with many struggling with additional burdens of children missing school, isolation, anxiety about their family’s health and finances; with burnout and severe stress real issues. As a crisis often pre...
A third of companies and tradespeople (31%)1 who regularly hire apprentices feel that the program has been made harder due to the pandemic, as new ONS figures2 show a 30% drop in new construction apprentices between August and October 2020, compar...
The correlation between employee satisfaction and customer experience is well-established. The happier your people are, the more committed and motivated they will be to go the extra mile for your customers.
Raising brand awareness and name recognition through traditional and digital tactics, Three Girls Media is committed to providing world-class marketing and PR services for its clients. Going into further detail, Erika begins by providing us with a...
Direct mail is quickly becoming a rejuvenated form of targeted marketing, as one of the most effective ways to communicate with your customers and prospects today. A recent survey showed that 84 per cent of professional marketers believe that dire...
It’s common for brands to become stagnant, rooted in their ways and too set on a specific course which restricts their ability to adapt to change. It is the classic example of the “That’s the way we do things around here” mentality. But over time,...
There is an increased appetite for real change following one of the most divisive and difficult years in decades. It has never been so important to get inclusion and diversity of race, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability and social di...
The e-commerce delivery expert ParcelHero is warning that ‘zombie’ stores will haunt UK High Streets this year. It fears that shops such as Debenhams, Burtons and Dorothy Perkins could be revived as soulless versions of their former selves followi...
Selling in a global pandemic is no easy task, not least when businesses have been battling against the odds for almost a year. However skilled sales people are taking a proven approach to tackling the challenging sales climate, and – perhaps surpr...
What happens when millions of bored people are stuck at home due to coronavirus lockdowns? One result is a boom in streaming services. Indeed, there’s never been a better time to consider video advertising.
By March, most of the UK will have worked from home for a full year. For many this will have been completely out of the ordinary and a real shock to the system. Even after a year, for those without the setup or intention of working remotely, this ...