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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

February 5, 2020 Protecting Your Business Through General Liability Insurance

Sometimes, accidents happen that you could never have predicted, and unfortunately, your business is responsible. Fortunately, if you’ve got the right business insurance, this doesn’t have to have major consequences for your business.

January 30, 2020 The Insider’s Guide To Workforce Management

Workforce Management is so much more than smarter scheduling and forecasting. With an open mind and the right partner by your side, WFM can unlock the secret to effective employee and customer engagement. Nick Smith shares 5 ways to become a WFM g...

January 24, 2020 Key Insights Effect Great Success

Every breakthrough, every goal, every moment of corporate brilliance begins with a vision. That is the belief of the team at Keysight Technologies, instilled in them by CEO of the Year 2019 – The USA, Ron Nersesian. To discover how the firm and it...

January 3, 2020 CHEP Vice President Matt Quinn Discusses The Launch Of Zero Waste World In Europe And Its Importance

A new initiative to enable greater collaboration between retailers and manufacturers to create smarter, more sustainable supply chains, and respond to consumer concerns, like packaging waste, has been launched in Europe by CHEP, the end to end sup...

November 27, 2019 The battle for talent just got tougher

After a long period of stagnation, recent ONS statistics highlight that UK wages are growing at an annual rate of 3.8 per cent – faster than the rate of inflation. As such, inflation seems to have regained its position as the minimum benchmark for...

November 18, 2019 Record GDPR fine provides stark data and payment protection warning to business owners

With reports* confirming that British Airways will be fined £183 million by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) following a significant data breach last year, PCI Pal’s CEO James Barham is encouraging businesses to step-up data protection ...

October 14, 2019 Creating your Board: The CEO

Whether we consciously chose them or not, everybody has their most trusted advisers, those certain people in our family, friends or social groups who we inadvertently always turn to for an opinion or guidance.

October 8, 2019 Renewtrak brings its white label SaaS to vendors, distributors and resellers, finally enabling capture of the notorious renewals long tail

Renewtrak, a Palo Alto-based software-as-a-Service renewals enterprise business has come up with a solution that automates the famously hard nut to crack: the long tail. Here we talk to Renewtrak CEO, Nick McMenemy about Renewtrak.

September 19, 2019 Future-Proofing Your Finances

Established in 1986, London & Capital has become one of the largest independent UK-based wealth managers that specialise in strategic and future-proof financial planning.

September 18, 2019 Small Business, Big Banking Dilemmas

Anders la Cour, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Banking Circle looks at how financial institutions can better-serve SMEs.

September 5, 2019 The importance of being involved in industry events

With over 1.3 million business events and exhibitions taking place in the UK every year, there is likely an event being held no matter what market or niche your business fills. Exhibitions and trade shows in the UK attract over 13 million visitors...

September 5, 2019 The cost of planning a networking event

Networking events offer numerous benefits for businesses — but is the initial outlay worth it? Whether its tradeshows or seminars, networking events give you the space and opportunity to mix with other like-minded professionals and meet potential ...