Wildly unconventional benefits and perks have surfaced over the last few years, with research estimating that increasing happiness can boost productivity by around 12 per cent, showing the benefits of focus.
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The number of people working ‘flexible hours’ has increased five-fold in the last two decades. That is according to an analysis of working trends by the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo), which is celebrating its 20th annivers...
While people generally prefer to see jobs go to people rather than to robots, this preference reverses when they consider their own jobs. In that case, they prefer to be replaced by robots, new research from Stefano Puntoni, Professor of Marketing...
Standing up with a mic in hand can be a comfortable disposition for some of us. We might find that we’re natural born presenters and the audience listen because they’re confident that the words about to be delivered, will inspire and motivate them.
Tom Anderton, Product and Services Manager, TEAM Energy, explains why we put quality data at the heart of our digital energy management solutions, and so should you.
An overwhelming majority of professional recruitment companies expect umbrella company usage to soar in response to changes to IR35 in the private sector. That is according to new research from the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (A...
Cash On Go Ltd provide tailor-made and responsible loans in the UK through their two brands: Peachy.co.uk, which launched in 2011, and Uploan, which launched earlier this year.
Revisiting a company motto or philosophy is necessary in an ever-changing world, but it can disrupt people’s sense of “who we are” and should be carefully managed, according to new research from UCL School of Management.
TISCreport (Transparency In Supply Chains Report) can now not only identify the organisations with no locatable Modern Slavery statements (currently holding steady at 26.7%), but can also now automatically assess the compliance of the Modern Slave...
Britain’s railway passengers will be used to the familiar request from staff to stand behind the yellow line, which now appears on most UK train stations. The line is there for good reason – every year there are incidents caused by people ignoring...
Utilities can often make-up a significant part of a business’s budget. Costs can quickly mount when you take into consideration the additional outlay of operational overheads, stretched resources and increasing bills.
Flexible workspace pioneers Office Freedom introduced a new concept when searching for office space in 1993