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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

July 9, 2019 How vital is brand image in customer service roles?

When it comes to public perception of your brand, brand image is key. Your brand image is one of the main factors which contribute to how well your business is performing. If you plan on boosting your consumer base and becoming a key player in you...

July 9, 2019 Successful customer service processes in the automotive industry

Britain doesn’t have a history of fantastic customer service. Compared to the likes of America, our customer service reputation tends to be sorely lacking enthusiasm, helpfulness, and overall tact.

July 9, 2019 Formal vs. casual — which is best for office productivity?

In recent years, there has been a shift in the office dress code. At one time, a nine-to-five job was synonymous with a three-piece suit and briefcase. But, now, many companies are happy to let their employees dress in business casual attire or wh...

July 9, 2019 Business waste management solutions guide

Regardless of whether a business is a start-up or a long-running, big-name brand, the issue of ethical and cost-effective waste management is the same. Waste can bring costs of as much as 4-5% of a business’ annual turnover, says CIPS. At its wor...

July 9, 2019 A shift for the high street – from shopping to social

Internet shopping is undoubtedly flourishing, and for many it would seem that high street retail is becoming a relic of the past.

July 9, 2019 Why Family Businesses Are Important For The UK Economy

When you think of family-run businesses, no doubt you’ll picture your local bakery and corner shop. They’re often small-time, independent players in a competitive world — but despite this, they contribute massively to the UK economy and this is so...

July 5, 2019 Bring yourself to work day: Why separating personal life and work life is a mistake

By Mike Malone, Vistage Chair, former Chief Executive Officer of Gryphon Software Corporation and a former US Marine Corp

June 27, 2019 Cyber resilience in uncertain times: 5 steps for SMEs to survive and thrive

Operating online has brought many benefits to SMEs but it has also introduced the risk of cyber attacks.

June 26, 2019 (Not) Working 9-5: Bosses Say Flexible Working Key To Attracting Talent

Businesses that fail to accommodate staff looking to set their own work schedule will struggle to attract and retain talent, claims new research from Vistage, the world’s largest CEO mentoring organisation.

June 24, 2019 Waitrose & Partners selects IRI to provide suppliers with detailed customer insights

IRI will provide Waitrose & Partners with an industry leading customer behaviour portal to enable the British retailer and its suppliers to quickly gain clear insights on brands and shoppers, ensuring that decisions made will deliver benefits ...

June 21, 2019 Customers spend more money on apps that they believe can change their lives

Giving customers hope in apps and helping them achieve their life goals is more important than compulsion, according to new research from University of Cologne and Imperial College Business School.

June 20, 2019 Cybercrime & the bottom line: 5 Reasons why SMEs can’t ignore cyber security

The digital world offers many opportunities for business growth however it exposes organisations to new cyber risks. Weak cyber security can leave organisations exposed and the revenue repercussions can be severe