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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

July 20, 2022 Cybersecurity CEO of the Year (USA): Rob Pike

In the emerging world of cybersecurity, bold ideas and the confidence to try something new is vital to success. Under the guidance of Rob Pike, Cyemptive Technologies Inc has positioned itself at the forefront of this evolving market.

July 19, 2022 Leaders in the Digital Banking Revolution

A commercial bank working hard to make itself the innovative, customer-focused leader of the financial industry, Zanaco’s leadership team has propelled it into the spotlight over the past years.

July 18, 2022 How to Avoid Burnout at the Workplace

Burnout because of stress in the workplace is now a diagnosable syndrome, as classed by the World Health Organisation in 2019. Research shows that nearly a quarter of the workforce suffer from burnout on a regular basis.

July 15, 2022 Plotting Out Success With a Business Strategy as a CEO

Plotting a successful business strategy often involves playing to your established audience. Statistics show that marketing products to your existing customers is more effective and less expensive than other types of scattershot advertising, and o...

July 13, 2022 CEO of the Year, 2021 – London, the United Kingdom

VeriCall offers a comprehensive range of solutions, with its primary business being to provide outsourced contact centre services and assist its clients with several technology solutions from fully PCI DSS compliant payments to AI solutions and Om...

July 12, 2022 Motive-ating New Heights of Success

The energy sector depends on the finest equipment to move forward, and the team at Motive Offshore Group work tirelessly to ensure that they have access to all they need. Under the leadership of David Acton, named CEO of the Year, 2021 - Aberdeen,...

July 5, 2022 Waste Not, Want Not

The ways in which we deal with our waste has become a sensitive issue for many, with some industries requiring a specialist to keep them on top of what challenges might arise. We take a look at David Hamer, CEO of Pakawaste Waste Handling Systems ...

July 5, 2022 A Question of Culture

What does it mean to lead a team in a way that promotes a “we” culture as opposed to a an “I” culture? We take a look at Fleur Hicks, CEO of onefourzero, to see how a kind approach of integrity has brought her success. Named by CEO Monthly as CEO ...

June 13, 2022 The World of Ceramics

For over thirty years, RAK Ceramics has held an impressive position on the international stage for its incredible products. For the last ten, it has grown ever stronger under the impressive management of Mr Abdallah Massaad. Named CEO of the Year,...

June 13, 2022 Invest In The Best

For a more stable financial future, Monestro is creating a world where people can invest in consumer loans in an intelligent and secure way. We take a look at Monestro as its CEO Johan Orsingher wins CEO of the Year 2021 – Tallinn, Estonia.

June 10, 2022 Four Top Qualities of Successful CEOs

What does it take to be a great CEO? There is no single formula for becoming a great CEO, but there are certain qualities that all successful CEOs share. Here are some of the most important ones according to CEOs.

June 7, 2022 Most Innovative eCommerce CSO 2022: Saheb Sabharwal

With an exemplary attitude towards growth, development, and corporate betterment, Cart.com has made itself an e-commerce linchpin in the growing international market.