A new report published by research group, ReGenerate, sets out how the UK government could harness the power of business to tackle some of the biggest environmental and social challenges, including recovering from the impacts of Covid-19, reaching...
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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.
As we recover from the COVID pandemic, environmental, social and technological trends are converging, leading to rapid, disruptive and transformative change, the likes of which we have not experienced for more than a generation, argues Simon Sear,...
Those habits books that were all the rage a couple of decades ago are sorely outdated. Nowadays, CEO's and other business leaders need fresh skills that get the job done in a highly technological, fast-paced environment. Sure, some of the old...
When employers are looking to build up a team for an innovative project, they can often fall into the trap of looking for someone new rather than realising the potential of their current workforce. It is often the case that the person who shouts t...
Over a year on from the start of the pandemic and as lockdown is slowly lifted, many changes in the way we operate business are most likely here to stay, but what lessons do we need to ensure we have truly learnt from the pandemic? Thom Dennis, CE...
The grant and government contracting sector is broken. It’s convoluted and difficult to navigate for even the most experienced of industry players. The team at Grant Source have found the way forward. Under the stalwart leadership of Allen Thornto...
Managing a team of people comes with a new level of responsibilities. But have you ever considered the vast difference between being a manager and a leader? Harvard Business Review reports that 30 is the average age of a first-time manager while 4...
“You either care about people or you don’t but you can’t fake it, and in turn, inclusive leadership starts with recognising the value of individuals” says Garry Eccles, Vice President of Cereal Partners at Nestle. “If leaders don’t value individua...
To extend their sphere of influence even further, HR leaders must now rethink how they can support their organizations to adapt to the workplace of the future and empower digital workplaces. This is according to TrueProfile.io, a leading provider ...
More than six in ten UK managers have experienced burnout at work because of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a fifth considering quitting their job as a result, according to new research from not-for-profit healthcare provider, Benenden Health.
Working with shipping companies all around the globe to offer them cost-effective choices for training requirements, trading routes, and crew nationalities, Tapiit is an online training and information portal delivering new training solutions to v...
Successful business leaders may previously have been visionaries of their brand, expert decision makers with a growth mindset and possessed extraordinary levels of energy, but the qualities needed to be a good leader in 2021 have changed vastly du...