Hosting a marathon, or large running event, boosts sales in a city by over a fifth (21%), according to the latest research from Paymentsense. The merchant service provider analysed data for all major UK 2018 road races against sales volumes for it...
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By Mike Malone, Vistage Chair, former Chief Executive Officer of Gryphon Software Corporation and a former US Marine Corp
MP Chi Onwurah - Labour's Industrial Strategy Minister – visited local business, Samuel Knight International, last week to discuss the firm’s growth plans and further investment in Newcastle and its people.
Sherpa Marketing are pleased to welcome a new Account Director to our Client Services Team. Jane Corbett joins the specialist technology focused ABM and Channel Marketing Agency from HH Global, where she was the Group Account Director, managing ac...
There is no doubt that anyone listening to a presentation will learn more from it if they have enjoyed themselves – and the introduction of humour can really help achieve this. If you’re worried that you’re not a natural comedian – don’t fret, t...
As yet another major shake-up appears on the horizon of the British political landscape, leadership and the qualities required to reach the top have understandably shifted to the forefront of the public consciousness. In the world of business, we ...
Following a number of new business client wins with a CRO* focus, digital marketing agency Mediablaze has appointed Sarah Batters in the newly created role of Growth Marketing Director, underscoring the agency’s ongoing commitment to bringing conc...
Maplewave CEO, Matthew Brannon, sat down with Tech & Beer to discuss how advances in technology will affect the future of retail.
By Dr Michael McCann MB BCh MA DIH MD MFOM, occupational health expert and speaker at iCAAD London 2019; Europe’s leading conference on Behavioural, mental and Emotional Health.
Award-winning business growth coach Gary Keating is offering a free seminar at the end of May to help business owners in the South-West learn how to increase the value of their company.
Established in 2010, Absolute Communications Group is an integrated communications agency based in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates. Named 2019’s PR Agency of the Year by CEO Monthly Magazine, we took some time to profile the firm and find out more...
Chipside, a specialist provider of digital parking and permitting services, has appointed Leighton Ponting as its new Business Development Manager. With more than three decades of experience in business sales and management, and 15 years involveme...