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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

July 27, 2018 How To Be A Successful Female Executive

Today’s business environment is transitioning from being very male-dominated to being more inclusive for women. However, despite some brilliant initiatives to drive greater gender parity, women still face barriers in terms of proving themselves in...

July 9, 2018 Seeing Success in a Digital Age

As Adtrak continues to make its mark as one of the largest digital agencies in the UK, Managing Director, Chris Robinson gives us an insight into life at Adtrak, including the impact of becoming a Google Premier Partner and how he has helped the b...

June 7, 2018 Future Of The Ceo Role In Tomorrow’s Business

In the last 30 years technology has delivered a revolution in the way in which business is conducted. Long lunches have been replaced by LinkedIn, analogue by analytics. Diaries are digital and networks are virtual. But in that time, has the na...

June 4, 2018 Lessons From 30 Years of Selling Mid-Market Businesses

This June marks 30 years since I co-founded Cavendish Corporate Finance. Over three decades of deal-making, Cavendish has advised on the sale of some 600 companies, mainly in the ‘mid-market’ range – that is, with transaction sizes ranging from £1...

May 30, 2018 Extravagance or Efficient Planning? Private Aviation Charter for Business Travel

Private jet travel has, for a long time, been regarded as the sole domain of the super-rich or cosseted stars who couldn’t bring themselves to travel on commercial flights. But over the past decade that image has slowly been changing thanks to a ...

May 9, 2018 An Innovative Leader Shaping the Future

Trilliant was formed with a vision to help energy providers improve energy efficiency, enhance reliability, lower operating costs, increase customer satisfaction, and integrate renewable and distributed energy resources. We profile the firm as wel...

May 8, 2018 Udi Meirav: The CEO Physicist on an Air Quality Mission

enVerid is committed to developing leading products that deliver energy savings, while providing healthier indoor air quality (IAQ) worldwide. CEO and Founder, Udi Meirav provides us with his thoughts on his own trajectory and that of his company.

April 27, 2018 Building a Distinctive Business in one of the Most Competitive Areas

Read the thoughts of Co-Founder of Office Space in Town. Niki Fuchs on the lessons she has learned when building a distinctive serviced office business in one of the most competitive areas of the property market.

April 18, 2018 Leaders need to be Better ‘Followers’

Politicians and CEOs are too focused on how they are perceived as leaders - rather than actually leading colleagues around them.

April 13, 2018 Best Friends Animal Society Names Julie Castle As CEO

The USA’s leading animal welfare organisation committed to ending the killing of animals in America's shelters by the year 2025, Best Friends Animal Society, announced on the 20th March that its Board of Directors has appointed Julie Castle a...

April 10, 2018 Global CEO Peer Advisory Organisation Expands UK Footprint with Major Acquisition

Today, Vistage announced that a deal has been signed to acquire the Academy for Chief Executives, a leading U.K. CEO development organisation, dedicated to improving lives by unlocking the potential of every business leader.

April 9, 2018 A CEO Ensuring his Door is Open to Everyone

RAM Tracking is a multi-award-winning provider of vehicle tracking technology and associated customer success and support. CEO Chris McClellan gives us an insight into what it is like to be a leader, and what techniques he employs to ensure he run...