Starting out as a business can be tough and can be a huge financial hit initially. However, luckily there are a few simple ways you can save money and cut the costs of starting out.
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When a business is registered, it becomes an official entity in the eyes of the law, which separates its interests from your assets and exempts you from responsibility for any losses incurred by the business. If you file a lawsuit against the corp...
A CEO is the most prestigious title you could ever have in the business world. CEO is the Chief Executive Officer and they have the most responsibility out of everyone in a company. There are many roles that a CEO must fulfill and it's the de...
Mortgage affordability checks were introduced by the Bank of England. They were implemented to protect potential property owners from taking on a debt that they may find later difficult to repay. However, these checks were withdrawn on 1st August ...
With energy bills, petrol, and the cost of food all escalating at extreme rates, it is likely that your team is going to be impacted by the current cost of living crisis. As a CEO, it is crucial that you support your team during this time, not onl...
When sending staff on business trips, it’s important to provide staff with quality accommodation. Rooms should be their own, and have enough space for them to work, chat and recuperate after a busy day.
With so many types of coached out there, it can be hard to know which is right for you. Coaching is a confidential resource for CEOs to be the best leaders they can be. Different types of coaches have strengths and proven techniques to help you g...
Marketing researchers play an essential role in the business. They provide valuable data and information that validates offerings, provides a better understanding of customer behavior and preferences, and ensures that resources are allocated appro...
Platform for Connected Leadership (PCL) focuses on clients in various industries that are serious about transformational leadership development as they need to realign their resource application in an intra- and post-pandemic changed world.
Burnout because of stress in the workplace is now a diagnosable syndrome, as classed by the World Health Organisation in 2019. Research shows that nearly a quarter of the workforce suffer from burnout on a regular basis.
Plotting a successful business strategy often involves playing to your established audience. Statistics show that marketing products to your existing customers is more effective and less expensive than other types of scattershot advertising, and o...
Any savvy CEO knows that employee background checks are a vital part of the hiring process. Not only do they help to ensure that your employees are who they say they are, but they can also help to flag any potential red flags. Here are four things...