A new survey from Superscript: the subscription-based, online business insurance provider, found that business owners and entrepreneurs across Britain are happily choosing to prioritise their business over their personal lives. A shocking 52% of m...
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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.
According to the Economist, one of the most significant outcomes of the pandemic will be “the infusion of data-enabled services into ever more aspects of life.” We were already expecting a transition to digital transformation thanks to technologic...
The number of professionals who have changed their job title to Founder/Co-Founder in the past year has increased by +13%, Small Business Owners have risen by +8%, and those formally adopting the title of Entrepreneur (+4%) or Owner (+1) has also ...
Business loans are pretty straight forward but lines of credit are something a lot of business owners don't fully understand. Let's take a closer look at how both work and see which one you should pick.
The need for specific employable skills in the workplace is essential. Attracting and acquiring new talent to all industries is a competitive field, with more students leaving school and attending university than ever before.
Businesses of all shapes and sizes will all benefit from gaining a competitive advantage within their industry. However, it can be tricky to identify just how to do this. Here’s how your business can start building for further success.
“The single biggest driver of business impact is the strength of an organisation’s learning culture”, according to a recent Bersin report on how learning cultures can empower businesses to be successful.
Employees are at the core of any successful organisation, and that is why the best employers understand the value of employee recognition and realise its benefit not only to individual performance, but to the wider company as a whole.
Flexible working options such as adjusting hours, days, or place of work, are attractive to many employees, and can offer your team more control over how, where and when you and your teams work. New research by Bupa found that 27% of working paren...
Working within a positive work environment can be beneficial for both employees and also the business’ bottom line. When individuals are happy with the work and the environment, they are often more productive and less likely to make mistakes.
If you are looking to work in an FCA regulated environment or become FCA authorised, there are a number of ongoing compliance tasks that you need to comply with. You can oversee your compliance responsibilities in-house and the FCA will give you g...
It’s impossible to overstate the impact that COVID-19 has had on businesses over the last year. Organisations in all industries have had to adapt and evolve to survive in the face of the crisis, all while working against a backdrop of major econom...