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Browse Our Latest Articles

Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

June 28, 2021 Alternatives to Redundancy: Redeployment

As an employer, one of the hardest decisions you may have to do is potentially making an employee redundant. Whether it is due to new systems being implemented into the workplace or the need for their role is no longer required, there are various ...

June 23, 2021 On Your Marks

L Marks is a firm of global specialists in corporate innovation, and today boasts the UK’s largest network of corporate innovation labs. CEO Daniel Saunders tells us more.

June 21, 2021 Immigration Innovation!

The American Dream is that anyone can succeed in the USA, but getting in can be enormously tricky. We take a look at D4U USA Law Firm and CEO, Wagner Pontes.

June 18, 2021 Turnaround Insurance Player in Sri Lanka

Union Assurance is a leading Life Insurance solutions provider in Sri Lanka for more than thirty years. We take a look at the firm and its CEO Jude Gomes.

June 17, 2021 Effective Methods for Engaging with Customers as a Business

As a business owner, you are constantly thinking of ways that you can improve your company. Day in, day out, you mull over the successes and failures you have endured, contemplating what you can adjust and adapt to do better the next time.

June 15, 2021 Lockdown Ease Delay: Five Final Preparations to Make This Month

With another month to wait before lockdown eases, Employment Hero's Alex Hattingh argues that this doesn't need to be bad news for businesses. Instead, leaders can use this as an opportunity to refresh the way their workplace operates.

June 8, 2021 How to Support Transgender People in the Workplace All Year Round

In June of 2020, the US Supreme Court handed down a ruling that barred employers from discriminating against queer and transgender employees. This was the latest of many fights happening worldwide to introduce or strengthen legislation to protect ...

June 4, 2021 How to Ensure a Stress-free Return to the Office

With Boris Johnson signalling that work-from-home guidance is set to be scrapped from June 21st and business leaders calling for firm return to work plans to share with their employees, many people may be feeling stressed about the prospect of th...

June 2, 2021 How Office Design is Shaping Employee Well-being

As we all prepare for the reality of returning to the office, businesses are asking for more in a workspace – from allowing 'pandemic pets' in the building, to flexible contracts, and creating an environment which keeps employees' p...

June 1, 2021 Not working 9-5! Nine in Ten Millennials Now Expect a Flexible Working Week

Those aged 25-34-years-old are most likely to expect more flexibility in their typical working week in a post COVID-19 world, according to research from flexible office specialists Workthere.

May 27, 2021 How to Navigate Being the Outsider When Employees Reunite

Starting work during lockdown was a mixed bag. On the one hand you got to work from home, never had to worry about the daily commute and your lunch was never once mistaken for someone else’s. For many, it was the perfect way to ease into a new pos...

May 24, 2021 Help Your Team Thrive

According to LinkedIn, 94% of employees would consider staying with a company longer if there was a clear investment in learning. Young people in particular put learning, development and progression high among their top motivators. With lockdown o...