As pubs, shops and other workplaces re-open this week, the success of the vaccine rollout has helped workers feel much more optimistic about their return to work than they were following November’s lockdown, according to Aviva’s research of more t...
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Over a year on from the start of the pandemic and as lockdown is slowly lifted, many changes in the way we operate business are most likely here to stay, but what lessons do we need to ensure we have truly learnt from the pandemic? Thom Dennis, CE...
SME manufacturers supported by Made Smarter are using technology to save pounds and the planet. Businesses working with the technology adoption programme are investing in new machinery and digital tools to make their buildings, equipment, manufact...
As April is Stress Awareness Month,, Instant Offices researched how the last year has affected employees mental health but also what business and individual employees can do to improve and support mental health.
After a turbulent year, enterprises are returning to the prospect of a new world following an unprecedented pandemic. Around the country the way we interact with customers, how consumers buy, and what interests the public has rapidly changed. Suc...
Monday 12 April 2021 signifies the beginning of Ramadan, the holy month of the Islamic calendar in which Muslims often commit to a period of fasting during daylight hours. Considering this, here are three top tips for supporting staff during this ...
You may read the phrase “imposter syndrome” and be surprised that there’s a phrase for something you feel without realising it’s a common thing. Have you ever felt like you’re not good enough for the career you have? Do you doubt yourself and feel...
The coronavirus pandemic has taught us a lot of lessons. We have a better appreciation of our key workers, which includes NHS staff, shop workers, and transport and logistics providers. A better understanding of the spread of infectious viruses ha...
With 73% of workers admitting they fear a return to the workplace could pose a risk to their personal health and safety, David McCormack, CEO of employee benefits and outsourced payroll provider HIVE360, shares seven practical steps for Stress Awa...
In recognition of International Transgender Day of Visibility on 31st March, we caught up with Joanne Lockwood, a Diversity & Inclusion & Belonging Specialist who also promotes Transgender Awareness to organisations, and an Associate Facil...
The seismic shift in our working lives is reflected in the Banner Post-COVID-19 Workplace Market Report, launched on the 24th of March. The report from the UK’s largest workplace supplies and services company, analyses all the company’s vast reams...
More than six in ten UK managers have experienced burnout at work because of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a fifth considering quitting their job as a result, according to new research from not-for-profit healthcare provider, Benenden Health.