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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

January 27, 2021 How the Pandemic has Unlocked a New Customer Base for Small Businesses

During lockdown in the UK, there was no question that SME businesses and local traders were hit hard. Around 80 per cent of small and medium-sized enterprises in the UK have seen a revenue impact in the last few months, due to the impact of the Co...

January 26, 2021 Storytelling: The Must-have Marketing Tactic for 2021

As we enter 2021 with a fresh and positive mindset, we are also entering the New Year with a brand-new set of tactics to help reach new consumers by placing brands, products and services at the forefront of desired audiences. When it comes to bran...

January 21, 2021 Best for Business: The Rise of User-Generated Content

From the days of flyers and telephone calls to the evolving world of social media content and tailored online advertising, brands and businesses are constantly thinking of new ways to gain exposure and sell their products to customers. Thanks to ...

January 21, 2021 5 Daily Habits You Should Follow to Become Successful in 2021

Former US Navy Seal William H. McRaven said, “If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished your first task of the day.”McRaven’s book is aptly named Make Your Bed. As well as earning a place as #1 bestseller, it is also thought a...

January 20, 2021 How Smart Technology is Helping the Manufacturing Industry

In the world of manufacturing, the way things are produced has changed dramatically over the years. From the first moving assembly line created, through to the modern-day invention of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it’s safe to say that manufacturi...

January 18, 2021 UK Workers Are Neglecting a Major Workplace Need

2020 has been a strange year for businesses and workplaces around the world. With the majority of us working from home for at least part of the year, workers have no doubt gained a new appreciation for a dedicated office space away from home – or,...

January 11, 2021 How Tech Can Transform the Fashion Industry’s Supply Chain

As the fashion industry has grown over the years, with more people shopping for garments and more clothing options than ever before, companies have had to show how quickly they can adapt. In the constantly evolving industry, brands everywhere have...

January 11, 2021 3 Marketing Tips for Marketing Retailers to Navigate Through Lockdown 3.0

With many retailers hit hard this year by the pandemic, businesses are turning to ecommerce to regain lost sales in 2021 as their customers move online to conduct their shopping. The events of 2020 have caused a significant shift in buying habits,...

January 6, 2021 What Does the Future of Shopping Hold in the Fashion Industry

Over the course of 2020, the way we shop has changed forever. Although many new shopping trends are a direct result of COVID-19 and brands adapting to life in lockdown, countless changes in the fashion industry were already underway. An overwhelmi...

January 5, 2021 New Year, New Business: How Will Your Company Adapt?

2020 was a tough year for businesses in the UK, having to adapt to a new way of working as the world ground to a halt. 2021 was perhaps anticipated as the year where things would return to normal but as the government is expected to enforce a new ...

January 4, 2021 Ten Top Tips to Ensure Your Business Is Set Up For Success in 2021

Research from Yell indicates that despite a difficult 2020, SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) are feeling very optimistic about their business in the New Year, with three out of every four (76%) business owners confident about the success of their b...

December 24, 2020 Scalable Security

Corsa Security is the first turnkey network security virtualization platform to simplify the process of scaling traffic inspection and automating firewall virtualization. Led by CEO, Eduardo Cervantes, an expert in cybersecurity, cloud and SaaS te...