Back to the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Adi Dassler, the founder of Adidas, convinced American sprinter Jesse Owens to sport the ‘Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik’ for his race. This is deemed as the first ever sports sponsorship to take place.
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Defects happen. Right now, every day. No company is immune. Inspecting components for the automotive, transport, aerospace, medical device, and consumer product industries is Advanced Material Solutions (AMS). CEO Monthly recently recognized the f...
As the COVID-19 emergency evolves, SME directors and owners are inspiring their teams, and charting as clear a course out of this public health and economic crisis as they possibly can.
Ian Carr, CEO of leading Ipswich-based law firm Prettys, explains how the legal field must adopt digital processes across its activities and services in order to manage business continuity in the face of adversity.
So often do members of the various departments in a business have a narrow view of the company as a whole. This can have a detrimental effect on staff productivity and company culture, and is something that business leaders should be tackling. Cre...
Remote working is on the rise, with more and more businesses turning away from traditional fixed office locations. With the ongoing coronavirus crisis requiring organisations to rapidly introduce flexible working on a large scale, these arrangemen...
When a business needs to secure new leads and generate new work, there are few more appealing methods to garner a potential client’s attention than with dinner, a carefully-curated presentation, and plenty of networking. Offering some of the bigge...
Given the disproportionate plastic disposal regulations around the world, it’s become extremely important for big brands to take part in global initiatives to reduce the amount of waste driven by big brands. Corporations must take action now. So, ...
One of the ways you can learn what your customers think about you is by using surveys to find out their opinions and use this information to measure their satisfaction with your business. The problem with surveys is that they can be biased, causin...
Email is essential for today’s business communication. However, with an increasing amount of confidential information being sent through this channel, it’s becoming key for cybercriminals looking to steal information.
Employers worried about staff being poached by rivals should be looking closer to home says new research…
If you are running a business, you will want to make sure it can be as successful as possible, and this is because you will want to make sure you can grow your business as much as possible. There are so many ways that you can grow your business in...