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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

March 26, 2019 Banuba Secures $7 Million Funding, Launches New SDK Bringing Augmented Reality (AR)

Banuba, a pioneering artificial intelligence lab specialising in computer vision and augmented reality, has secured a further $7m in funding bringing its total investment to $12m, from investors including VP Capital and Larnabel Ventures, a fund o...

March 21, 2019 Qarar Consultancy: Experts in Data-Driven Business Solutions

Serving clients across the Middle East and North Africa, Qarar Consultancy is a leading decision analytics company specialising in offering consulting, and software technology to deliver tailor-made advanced analytics and automation solutions. Ear...

March 20, 2019 Kosbit wins ‘Highly Commended’ Award for Innovating Managed Service Solution of the Year

Kosbit LLC, a global IT solutions leader specialising in business processes and managed outsourcing services, made the finals of the European IT & European Software Excellence Award.

March 15, 2019 Love Success Celebrates Latest Award

Love Success, a multi-award-winning recruitment agency is celebrating after its founders, Jane Atherton and Julia Vassie received the CEO Monthly award of Leading Women in Business 2018 - an accolade that is testament to the company’s growth and c...

March 14, 2019 VAST Networks Collaborates with Benu Networks to Launch Africa’s First Carrier-Grade Mobile Offload

Benu Networks’ Platform Enables Cost Effective Connectivity and Overcomes Spectrum Scarcity

March 13, 2019 Malicious Intent Outweighs Technology as Biggest Threat to Personal Data

Apricorn, the leading manufacturer of software-free, 256-bit AES XTS hardware-encrypted USB storage devices, today announced results from their latest social media poll which found that sixty five percent of respondents believe that humans pose th...


LONDON-BASED CPMG Architects has announced the appointment of Richard Flisher as the firm’s new managing director

March 5, 2019 Solicitor Reviews website celebrates 10 years helping people find a trusted Lawyer

One of the longest established legal review sites has relaunched after a successful 10 years. The UK’s leading solicitor review site has been instrumental in enabling consumers to voice their experiences with solicitors, as well as providing them ...

March 4, 2019 Welltodo Releases 2019 Business Of Wellness Trends Report

Welltodo, a leading global platform dedicated to helping people build incredible businesses and careers in the wellness industry, has announced the launch of its new 2019 Business Of Wellness Trends Report.

February 20, 2019 Oneserve appoints Alistair Hayter as its new Chief Technology Officer

Exeter based field service management software specialist, Oneserve, is delighted to welcome Alistair Hayter as its new Chief Technology Officer (CTO) supporting its ambitious plans for the future.

February 11, 2019 Anderson Zaks launches new service for call centre (MOTO) payments that helps reduce payment risk

Off the shelf One-stop PCI P2PE solution that helps remove a call centre’s IT infrastructure from PCI DSS scope

February 7, 2019 Vulog featured in the 2019 Global Cleantech 100

: The world’s leading mobility platform provider, Vulog, has been recognised by Cleantech Group as one of the best placed companies in the world to solve future clean technology challenges. The Global Cleantech 100 is an annual guide to the lead...