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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

February 6, 2019 Interview with Freedom Finance CEO Brian Brodie

Interview with Freedom Finance CEO Brian Brodie

January 31, 2019 Impellam elevates Simon Blockley to CEO of workforce solutions provider Guidant Global

Simon Blockley, Managing Director of European operations at Guidant Global, has been promoted to Chief Executive Officer with immediate effect in a strategic move by the brand’s parent company, Impellam Group, to drive future growth.

January 29, 2019 The Kings of Customisation

Tim Williams and Tom Hogan are thirty something school friends from South Wales and the founders of YR - the world’s leading customisation company.

January 23, 2019 Renovagen launches equity crowdfunding campaign via Crowdcube; 39% funded prior to launch by existin

Renovagen Ltd today launched its third equity crowdfunding campaign via Crowdcube, having been successful in 2014 and 2016 in raising a total of GBP 1.25M on the platform to develop its portable solar power systems.

January 21, 2019 CPA Global launches Search application: simple, effective and secure patent search report review

CPA Global’s Search application streamlines the management of patent search projects, enabling IP professionals to collaborate with experts and quickly review results

January 17, 2019 HR Solutions Designed for the Modern Workplace

BirdDogHR is a national leader in talent management solutions and services for skilled trade industries. In October, the firm’s CEO, Todd Skokan, was named by CEO Monthly Magazine as 2018’s CEO of the Year for the United States. We spoke with Todd...

January 17, 2019 A Charity Championing the Management of Chronic Pain

Established over 30 years ago, Pain Association Scotland is a national charity dedicated to delivering self-management courses and monthly groups throughout Scotland, Northumbria and North Wales for those burdened with chronic pain. In October, So...

January 17, 2019 A Leader Forging the Future of the Debt Capital Market

Bedford Row Capital is a boutique advisory firm which specialises in assisting SMEs in raising debt capital. In October, Bedford Row’s Chief Executive Officer, Scott Levy, was recognised by CEO Monthly Magazine as 2018’s Finance CEO of the Year fo...

January 15, 2019 Astuta acquires leading UK public sector finance software specialist Trojan

UK software group Astuta has announced the acquisition of Trojan Consultants, a UK leader in public sector finance systems. The move heralds an exciting new chapter in both businesses’ growth.

January 14, 2019 CPA Global’s FoundationIP named as leading IP software

CPA Global, the world’s leading IP management and technology company, earns G2 Crowd“Leader” badge for FoundationIP software.

January 11, 2019 CySure partners with Frost Solutions to deliver cyber security services in South Africa

Cyber security specialist CySure Ltd has appointed Frost Solutions as a specialist value added reseller partner in South Africa. Frost Solutions specializes in delivering IT services to the small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) market and has a...

January 8, 2019 Nick Harris is the Founder and MD of VClean Life

Nick is on a mission to clean up the ‘dirty’ dry-cleaning sector. He has a passion for delivering great service, value for money and incredibly high standards without jeopardising the environment.