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January 8, 2019 EDP Gains Backing From Financial Institution, MSIF.

EDP Consultants ltd has secured an equity investment from Liverpool based financial institution, MSIF.

January 5, 2019 For enterprise social networks, adoption and engagement starts at the top

Whether your company already has a social network in place, or is looking to introduce one here’s what you need to know in order to make it a success. By Peter Hall, senior consultant at WM Reply, a company dedicated to building world-class intran...

January 3, 2019 Top Global Brands Select Sectigo to Manage Their Digital Certificate Deployments Across the Enterpri

Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA), the world’s largest commercial Certificate Authority and a leader in web security solutions, today announced a 40% year-over-year increase in enterprise sales, highlighted by the addition of leading brands worldwide i...

December 11, 2018 Providing a Pioneering Leadership Platform for the Financial Services Industry

GAMA is the only association dedicated to promoting the professional development needs and leadership skills of first-line and front-line leaders in the insurance, investment, and financial services industries. In October, CEO Monthly Magazine rec...

December 6, 2018 A CEO Bringing Effectiveness to the Marketing Sector

The Fournaise Marketing Group (Fournaise) is a leading Marketing Performance Measurement & Management (MPM) company, specialising in marketing effectiveness, tracking & boosting.

November 22, 2018 CAE Technology Services acquired by senior management as it prepares for the next phase of growth

CAE Technology Services, the leading IT Infrastructure Solutions Provider, and all related group companies, has been acquired by Caerus Assets Limited, a holding company owned jointly between Justin Harling and Richard Behan, CEO and COO of CAE Te...

November 15, 2018 A CEO Dedicated to Innovation in Public Relations

Founded in December 2014, National Network Communications (NNC) is a 100% home grown Middle Eastern public relations company dedicated to providing the most strategic and innovative communication solutions.

November 12, 2018 Leading the Way in Medical Cannabis

Columbia Care LLC is the U.S.’s largest and most experienced provider of medical cannabis and medical cannabis-derived products and related services.

November 9, 2018 Simon Byrne, CEO: Helping to Redefine the Trading Industry

Established in 2016, Acetop Financial Ltd offer FX, CFD and Spread Betting services out of their office in the City of London. In November, Acetop’s Chief Executive Officer, Simon Byrne, was recognised by CEO Monthly Magazine as the CEO of the Yea...

November 7, 2018 Ian Dunlop joins ContactEngine

ContactEngine are pleased to announce the appointment of Ian Dunlop as Chief Product Officer. Dunlop joins ContactEngine to lead the company's product management, engineering, data science, AI and DevOps teams and will be responsible for furt...

October 9, 2018 An Advocate for European Hospitality in the Heart of the Middle East

An Advocate for European Hospitality in the Heart of the Middle East

September 24, 2018 A Pioneering CEO at the Heart of a Payment Services Leader

Small World Financial Services is a leading omni-channel provider of cross-border payment services for consumers and businesses. In August, Small World’s CEO, Nick Day, was awarded “Money Transfer Service CEO of the Year” at the CEO Monthly’s 2018...