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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

August 22, 2018 6 Reasons Why Gareth Southgate is a Transformational Leader

There’s a discernable difference between being a good leader, and a great one. Great leaders adopt a unique approach to their role and manage to get everyone on board right from the get-go. Which leadership figures spring to mind when we think of ...

August 9, 2018 The Future is Luminous for WEC Energy Group

WEC Energy Group, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is one of America’s leading electric and natural gas holding companies, with $31 billion of assets and over 8,000 employees. In June, CEO Monthly Magazine named WEC Energy Group, and its CEO and Cha...

August 8, 2018 Keeping the Wheels Turning in the Industrial Sector

Established in 1995 by Mark Lord, Aztec Oils is a distributor of lubricating oils for the automotive and industrial market within South Yorkshire and the East Midlands. In June, CEO Monthly Magazine named Mark as one of our CEOs of the Year for 20...

June 5, 2018 The Business Bank That Cares About You

Gary Wilkinson is the CEO and Co- Founder of Redwood Bank, which became the newest business bank when it launched in August 2017, offering lending and savings accounts to businesses. Gary has 30 years’ experience within financial services, in both...

June 4, 2018 Lessons From 30 Years of Selling Mid-Market Businesses

This June marks 30 years since I co-founded Cavendish Corporate Finance. Over three decades of deal-making, Cavendish has advised on the sale of some 600 companies, mainly in the ‘mid-market’ range – that is, with transaction sizes ranging from £1...

May 21, 2018 Prestige: A Boot Camp Like No Other

Established in 2008, Prestige Boot Camp is Europe’s No1 and most successful and established provider of luxury fitness and weight loss boot camps.

May 10, 2018 The Home of Innovation

Established in 2015, Innovation360 Group was founded by Magnus Penker and Martin Hultqvist, veterans in the consulting industry who specialised in startups, turn-arounds and successful company sales in Sweden and abroad.

May 9, 2018 An Innovative Leader Shaping the Future

Trilliant was formed with a vision to help energy providers improve energy efficiency, enhance reliability, lower operating costs, increase customer satisfaction, and integrate renewable and distributed energy resources. We profile the firm as wel...

May 2, 2018 Marketing Attribution Comes Of Age

The old adage of “only 50% of my marketing spend works, I just don’t know which 50%’ has been defunct for some time. Tracking of digital marketing activity has been part of the landscape since the start of digital and each channel, be it Facebook,...

May 1, 2018 ILG Ltd Launches new ‘a la carte’ Business Model for Franchisees

With five UK based company-owned Il Gusto shops and three franchise sites, which have been open for over 10 years, Il Gusto is continuing its expansion worldwide. Following its first successful test in Centro Oberhausen,

April 13, 2018 Best Friends Animal Society Names Julie Castle As CEO

The USA’s leading animal welfare organisation committed to ending the killing of animals in America's shelters by the year 2025, Best Friends Animal Society, announced on the 20th March that its Board of Directors has appointed Julie Castle a...

April 10, 2018 Global CEO Peer Advisory Organisation Expands UK Footprint with Major Acquisition

Today, Vistage announced that a deal has been signed to acquire the Academy for Chief Executives, a leading U.K. CEO development organisation, dedicated to improving lives by unlocking the potential of every business leader.