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Browse Our Latest Articles

Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

November 30, 2022 When Times Are Tough: Tips for CEOs Leading Through Adversity

Great CEOs are made, not born, and while most people do not deliberately seek out adversity, it is in just such times that your leadership skills can be honed to the finest point. When times are tough, as a CEO, that's your cue to get tougher...

November 29, 2022 How to Support Employees Who Are Handling Complex Projects and Large Budgets

Whether you’re managing an in-person or remote workforce, it can be hard to keep track of all your team's projects. And if you’re struggling, just imagine how difficult it must be for your employees. To solve your problems, you’ll need to fin...

November 25, 2022 How to Deal with Bias in the Workplace

Running a business is no easy feat, and dealing with the people within it, and the issues that arise from having so many different people in such close proximity, is challenging to say the least. If you have biases in the workplace to deal with, y...

November 24, 2022 Eight Steps for Long-Term Employee Wellbeing

In the wake of a 25% increase in anxiety and depression worldwide, triggered by the pandemic and compounded by economic instability and digital overload, strategies and policies that protect employee mental health must now be the norm.

November 21, 2022 5 Use Cases of Text Analysis In Business Management

What’s worse than not having access to the right data? Having a massive amount of unstructured data that’s hard to read and make sense of.

November 18, 2022 New Report Calls for Workplaces to Enable Women Leaders by Scrapping Alpha Male Cultures to Thrive in Today’s Disruptive, Complex and Volatile World

London, BRIDGE Partnership - a global organisational transformation and leadership development consultancy - has launched a landmark study titled, ‘How Did She Get There?’, analysing why leading women become successful.

November 14, 2022 Do You have the Positive Energy to See Out Another Economic Downturn?

As business leaders prepare for yet another economic downturn, driven by rising inflation, skills shortages and ongoing supply chain disruption, it is more important than ever that they adopt a positive mindset to optimise their financial performa...

November 10, 2022 Managerial Styles: Are You an X or Y Manager?

A good manager knows how to motivate their team. However, not every manager has the same style. This can vary by industry, as well as being dependant on the age and skill level of your employees or your personal attitudes to work.

November 8, 2022 How Business Leadership Qualities Vary Around the World

Although all corners of the world conduct business in some way, different countries do so in different ways depending on their goals, cultures, and beliefs. Before you embark on your international business management degree, it would be beneficial...

November 4, 2022 Planning for the Unexpected: How to Overcome Employee Welfare Challenges

Businesses have many complex challenges that they need to overcome, from financial difficulties to supply chain issues and recruitment. But while there’s no way of knowing what the future holds, being prepared when it comes to employee welfare can...

November 4, 2022 5 Soft Skills That Every Leader Needs to Develop

The word “soft” can sometimes be associated with being weak or fragile. However, when paired with the word “skills”, it couldn’t be more the opposite. Soft skills are also known as power skills, core skills, or common skills, and in simple terms, ...

November 3, 2022 How Today’s Healthcare Leaders Prioritise The Patient Connection

The global health crisis put undue pressure on medical facilities worldwide. From supply and staffing shortages to crowded emergency rooms and rising death tolls, hospitals, private practices, and clinics struggled to maintain control and provide ...