Property development does not stand on its own. Regenerating communities is equally important to the success of a property portfolio. This is not only the understanding of Michael Pemberton, but the way in which he has built a vision of success. W...
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Everyone’s wealth is different, and the best planners of these services create a system that is entirely bespoke. The team at Century Private Wealth, led by CEO Madhur Kakkar, has made its name in providing new levels of success for its investment...
In recognition of this year’s International Women’s Day on Monday 8th March, luxury homebuilder Millwood Designer Homes is celebrating the female members of its workforce. Offering an insight into what it is like as a woman in the housebuilding in...
There are as many definitions of leadership as there are commentators on the subject, but the quote from ‘Ike’ is one of the most succinct. Much is made of the nature/nurture argument, about whether leaders are born or made. The most obvious ans...
Situated in Southfield, Michigan, Banks & Company is a full-service management consultancy firm focused on the management of issues and relationships, strategy around a data-driven approach using advanced analytics and innovation that speaks t...
Qatar not only possesses the distinction of being one of the world’s fastest growing economies, but it is also a highly successful example of a diversifying, robust market with ever-expanding infrastructure. It is in this nation blessed with remar...
Headquartered in London, Carrhae Capital is an independent investment partnership, which aims to deliver high quality risk-adjusted returns derived from investing in publicly listed companies operating within Emerging Markets. Since the firm’s inc...
There is an increased appetite for real change following one of the most divisive and difficult years in decades. It has never been so important to get inclusion and diversity of race, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability and social di...
By March, most of the UK will have worked from home for a full year. For many this will have been completely out of the ordinary and a real shock to the system. Even after a year, for those without the setup or intention of working remotely, this ...
During lockdown in the UK, there was no question that SME businesses and local traders were hit hard. Around 80 per cent of small and medium-sized enterprises in the UK have seen a revenue impact in the last few months, due to the impact of the Co...
Former US Navy Seal William H. McRaven said, “If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished your first task of the day.”McRaven’s book is aptly named Make Your Bed. As well as earning a place as #1 bestseller, it is also thought a...
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economy and job market in a way many of us have never seen before. Some organisations have been forced to close with no re-opening dates in sight. Others have sadly gone into administration. Businesses in the...