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Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

December 16, 2020 Empowering Businesses to Think Global: Driving Expansion with Technology

Covid-19 is continuing to reshape the global business landscape for companies of all shapes and sizes, driving them to make a multitude of operational decisions and innovations to stay afloat during these uncertain times.

December 14, 2020 Three in Ten UK Business Leaders Fear Closure Within the Year

KnowYourMoney.co.uk has commissioned a new survey of more than 530 decision-makers within UK businesses to uncover their financial outlook for 2021. It found:30% do not expect their business to survive the next 12 month46% plan to reduce the amoun...

December 10, 2020 11 Ways to Keep Employees Happy Through a Downturn

UK businesses have been doing it tough in 2020 and with today's announcement of the UK's unemployment rate jumping to 4.8%, as 314,000 people lose their jobs, there is no denying many companies will be facing an economic downturn.Althoug...

December 9, 2020 Gender Diversity in the Recruitment Sector

Almost a third (30%) of recruitment firms have less than 5% female leaders at board level and another third (32%), only have between 21-50%. That’s according to an analysis of female representation within the profession by Women in Recruitment, an...

December 3, 2020 Safe As Houses CEO Secures Success

Everyone is looking for the perfect home, but new build properties bring challenges that many just aren’t aware of. After facing her own difficulties when settling in, Nichola Venables of New Build Database Ltd was determined that no one else shou...

December 2, 2020 Pride in People’s Potential

What does it mean to be out in today’s society? Some would say the work is done and all are treated equally, but that is far from the case. Seeing LGBTQ+ people in leadership roles, able to bring their full selves to the table, is far from the nor...

December 2, 2020 Achieving Excellence for Arabian Explorers CEO

It is no secret that the United Arab Emirates and much of that part of the world is truly beautiful, and should be experienced by any who can do so. Helping to make that dream more accessible for more people every day is Arabian Explorers, a firm ...

November 23, 2020 Now’s the time to embrace change

At the very start of the pandemic, it was difficult to know the best action to take in the face of unprecedented challenges to business continuity. However, now that it is possible to step back and reflect on the lessons learned from the first tim...

November 20, 2020 How You Can Avoid Employee Burnout

Although progressive-minded employers might try to mitigate employee burnout by ensuring fair treatment at work, only giving them as much work as they can handle, and offering reasonable deadlines to reduce burnout in the workplace, employees, too...

November 6, 2020 Partnering Well: Getting The Most From Technology Experts

Matt Parker, CEO of Babble unlocks the secrets to successful technology partnerships.

October 27, 2020 Women Taking a Stand to Move Up Managerial Chain

Gender pay disparities have been a long-time concern, but as female empowerment inspires a generation, who are the people that are shaping the businesses of the future? Here we delve into three areas of society that women are transforming – the bo...

October 16, 2020 Discharging Directors’ Duties In A Pandemic World

Directors of all companies owe duties to their companies; those duties should be front and centre in mind whenever decisions and actions are taken. Understanding the duties, and discharging them satisfactorily, is crucial, not only for the succes...