Following WEC Energy’s distinguished CEO, Gale Klappa, being named as the 2019 CEO of the Year for the USA, we took a closer look at this true goliath of the industry to find out more.
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Swedish footballer Philip Haglund used time out of the game when he was injured to create an app to equip the next generation with financial super-skills. Now his company, Gimi, has been named one of the top 250 most promising FinTechs in the world.
With over 1.3 million business events and exhibitions taking place in the UK every year, there is likely an event being held no matter what market or niche your business fills. Exhibitions and trade shows in the UK attract over 13 million visitors...
Wildly unconventional benefits and perks have surfaced over the last few years, with research estimating that increasing happiness can boost productivity by around 12 per cent, showing the benefits of focus.
Check out our interview with Youpreneur CEO Chris Ducker
The healthcare and pharmaceuticals industries have to move quickly to constantly adapt to an environment that has become defined by innovation and evolution. In this ever-changing landscape, RedefineCompliance look to be a tonic, with a goal to ma...
Since 1995, FlynetTM has been a leading provider of terminal emulation and host system integration software and services. Following Flynet’s CEO, Christian Rule, being recognised as the 2019 CEO of the Year for the United Kingdom we endeavoured to...
TPT Retirement Solutions is a leading provider of UK workplace pensions, specialising in Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes. Following TPT Retirement Solutions’ CEO, Mike Ramsey, recently being named CEO of the Year for the United Kingdom, we to...
Tom Anderton, Product and Services Manager, TEAM Energy, explains why we put quality data at the heart of our digital energy management solutions, and so should you.
Seajets, one of the largest fleets in the Med reveals its social responsibility identity with a humanitarian award for its CEO, Marios Iliopoulos
Why have a dog and bark yourself? You might have heard of this expression – and it’s certainly true. The trick is to find the balance between delegating effectively and becoming Teflon-coated and not doing any of the work yourself.
3 things powerful immigrant professionals have in common that can propel any aspiring workplace ‘outsider’