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Browse Our Latest Articles

Explore the latest articles, featuring expert insights, groundbreaking innovations, and success stories from visionary business leaders. From leadership strategies to industry trends, our articles deliver the knowledge you need to stay informed and inspired. Dive in and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business leadership.

April 12, 2019 Gary Barnes joins Ably Realtime

In a spate of new hires, Gary Barnes comes on board as Ably’s new CCO.

April 8, 2019 Data Economy’s João Marques Lima awarded PPA 30 Under 30 New Talent media award

Data Economy’s founder and editor-in-chief João Marques Lima has been awarded the PPA 30 Under 30 New Talent media award for his work at Data Economy, the leading source for business and finance news and opinion within the IT infrastructure sector.

April 6, 2019 Dynama appoints Andrew Lloyd as Managing Director with a focus on growth

Dynama, an Allocate company and a global supplier of workforce and resource management solutions, today announced the appointment of Andrew Lloyd as Managing Director.

April 2, 2019 Rising to the Challenge

Since 2010, TheTableau.com has been an international business management company specializing in business turnarounds, supply chain management, and lean solutions. Just months ago, TheTableau’s CEO and acclaimed business innovator, Irene Jeremic, ...

March 19, 2019 Samuel Knight CEO joins fellow business owners to tackle poverty in the region

On the 21st of March, Steve Rawlingson, CEO of Newcastle-based, Samuel Knight International will be sleeping overnight at St James Park for the annual CEO Sleepout. The initiative will see several such events take place across the country to raise...


LONDON-BASED CPMG Architects has announced the appointment of Richard Flisher as the firm’s new managing director

February 21, 2019 Ensuring You Hire the Right Team when You Don’t Understand the Technology

Martyn Hurricks – Director and Cofounder of Talent Locker explores the importance of hiring the right team in markets you are not experienced in

February 20, 2019 Oneserve appoints Alistair Hayter as its new Chief Technology Officer

Exeter based field service management software specialist, Oneserve, is delighted to welcome Alistair Hayter as its new Chief Technology Officer (CTO) supporting its ambitious plans for the future.

February 8, 2019 The Changing Face of Business:

Having joined Absolute Corporate Events (ACE) in 2013, Managing Director has since gone on to generate 400% growth in the past five years, predicting a turnover of £8 million in 2018.

February 1, 2019 CEO’s still risk being the weakest link as security measures struggle to keep pace with innovation,

A new report from The Bunker, the UK’s most secure cloud, managed services and data centre provider, has highlighted that senior executives are still often the weakest link in the corporate cybersecurity chain and that cybercriminals target this v...

January 31, 2019 Impellam elevates Simon Blockley to CEO of workforce solutions provider Guidant Global

Simon Blockley, Managing Director of European operations at Guidant Global, has been promoted to Chief Executive Officer with immediate effect in a strategic move by the brand’s parent company, Impellam Group, to drive future growth.

January 17, 2019 A Charity Championing the Management of Chronic Pain

Established over 30 years ago, Pain Association Scotland is a national charity dedicated to delivering self-management courses and monthly groups throughout Scotland, Northumbria and North Wales for those burdened with chronic pain. In October, So...