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January 16, 2019 Bristol Business Coach to Present at Ashton Gate


January 10, 2019 Development of the ‘Long-Range Summon’ Automatic Remote Retrieval (Long-Range Calling) System

Clarion Co., Ltd. (President & CEO: Atsushi Kawabata, called 'Clarion' below) has developed the 'Long-Range Summon' automatic remote retrieval system for automobiles, which combines unique external recognition technology, c...

January 8, 2019 Nick Harris is the Founder and MD of VClean Life

Nick is on a mission to clean up the ‘dirty’ dry-cleaning sector. He has a passion for delivering great service, value for money and incredibly high standards without jeopardising the environment.

December 19, 2018 CIPHR appoints Andrew Carwardine as new CEO

CEO Chris Berry will become deputy chair on 7 January 2019; Andrew Carwardine joins the UK HR software provider from Dynama Solutions CIPHR (www.ciphr.com), the leading provider of HCM software solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises in t...

December 6, 2018 A CEO Bringing Effectiveness to the Marketing Sector

The Fournaise Marketing Group (Fournaise) is a leading Marketing Performance Measurement & Management (MPM) company, specialising in marketing effectiveness, tracking & boosting.

November 15, 2018 A CEO Dedicated to Innovation in Public Relations

Founded in December 2014, National Network Communications (NNC) is a 100% home grown Middle Eastern public relations company dedicated to providing the most strategic and innovative communication solutions.

November 12, 2018 Rebuilding the Recruitment Industry for the Modern Job Seeker

Peter Kelly is the Co-founder and CEO of FourWho® LTD, developers of revolutionary recruitment app Imployable®.

November 9, 2018 Simon Byrne, CEO: Helping to Redefine the Trading Industry

Established in 2016, Acetop Financial Ltd offer FX, CFD and Spread Betting services out of their office in the City of London. In November, Acetop’s Chief Executive Officer, Simon Byrne, was recognised by CEO Monthly Magazine as the CEO of the Yea...

November 6, 2018 Inclusive Entry-Level Recruitment Vital for Future Board Diversity

Business leaders must actively engage diverse entry-level talent to overcome a crippling lack of diversity at the most senior levels of business. That is the advice from global talent acquisition and management specialist, Alexander Mann Solutions...

October 24, 2018 Meet The Dutch CEO Taking The UK Retail Market By Storm

How would you sum up Omnia Retail? Omnia is the leading software as a service (SaaS) solution for integrated pricing and online marketing automation, established in the Netherlands. We help retailers regain control, save time and drive profitable ...

September 24, 2018 A Pioneering CEO at the Heart of a Payment Services Leader

Small World Financial Services is a leading omni-channel provider of cross-border payment services for consumers and businesses. In August, Small World’s CEO, Nick Day, was awarded “Money Transfer Service CEO of the Year” at the CEO Monthly’s 2018...

September 24, 2018 The Workplace Experience Revolution: Unearthing the Real Drivers of Employee Sentiment

Tim Oldman is the CEO and Founder of Leesman, which since its launch in 2010 has grown to become the world’s largest independent employee workplace experience benchmarking tool, successfully changing the way organisations think about their corpora...